Hungarian TV host on migrant crisis: “Is this freedom, people?” – IOTW Report

Hungarian TV host on migrant crisis: “Is this freedom, people?”

Voice of Europe: TV host: How long will Western European societies tolerate that they have to live like this?

Hungarian TV host Zsolt Bayer talks about the disastrous effects of the migrant crisis on Western Europe. In a monologue he shows his respect for the region but he also heavily criticises it.

According to Bayer the big question is: How long can the people of Western Europe tolerate how they are living now? He continues and says that another big question is why are they tolerating it?

In his monologue Bayer clearly confronts Western Europeans: “Is this freedom, people? Freedom would mean that soldiers with machine guns would stand on every corner?”  MORE

8 Comments on Hungarian TV host on migrant crisis: “Is this freedom, people?”

  1. There is definitely something insidious going on. I cant place my thumb on it, and I still cant wrap my brain around the “why”, but its happening it seems. How can sovereign nations allowed to be willfully and celebratory replaced from their current populations?

    Somebody, please, explain the “why” to me? WHY?

  2. “… How long can the people of Western Europe tolerate how they are living now? He continues and says that another big question is why are they tolerating it?”

    dunno …. why are we tolerating this in the United States?

  3. Adolph Merkel and the globalist scum, the scumbag Bush filth, are successful at getting the militarized state that they want for the world. East Germany, like when she was a cute little girl, with check points and soldiers on every street corner. The muslime filth invasion is the excuse. Just like September 11th here.

    I hope she is hung like Moussulinni was hung from a street light.

  4. Bman

    The short answer would be the Globalists who see this as their last, best chance and they are going all in. It’s far more complex than that but that is the general idea. It also wouldn’t hurt to read or reacquaint yourself with The Book of Revelations. It does seem more relevant as time goes by.

  5. After WW2, nobody wanted a reunited Germany (except the U.S., which was located on another continent), and for good reason: Germany had kicked ass in Europe for the previous 40 years, and everybody was scared scheissless that they would do it again. Russia, probably realizing that reunification was inevitable sooner or later, prepared a “poison pill” in the form of a Communist East Germany. Now that the pill has been swallowed, the poison (in the person of Angela Merkel), has begun its deadly work. The only thing the Russians never counted on was that the toxin would spread to the rest of Europe, including England, and may yet come back to haunt its creators.

    Here’s hoping we elected an antidote to the poison in 2016.


  6. My most lefty friend actually is switched on enough to see Islam for the threat that it is. Still, she thinks the flooding of Europe with Muslim filth is a plot by the right to spur people to embrace the far right in response to the invasion. Lefties really have a distorted view of the world.


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