Hungary PM says Muslim migration “increases terrorism and crime” and “destroys national culture” – IOTW Report

Hungary PM says Muslim migration “increases terrorism and crime” and “destroys national culture”

JihadWatch: THE BITTER divisions ripping the European Union apart intensified today as Hungary launched an eviscerating attack on Brussels over migration and taunted Angela Merkel for failing to protect German people from Islamist terror.

In an astonishingly savage tirade the country’s leader Viktor Orban described the EU elite as serial “failures” and openly goaded struggling western European nations, describing them as “stagnated and incapable of change”.

The hardline Prime Minister called for a radical overhaul of the European project, decrying the growing loss of sovereignty to Brussels as a disaster and “one of the greatest threats in Europe today”.

And he issued a stunning rebuke to Mrs Merkel on migration, blaming recent terror attacks on the mas [sic] influx of refugees and saying Hungary no longer looked up to its near neighbour as a paragon of stability and common sense.

Mr Orban’s stunning broadside comes at a time of unparalleled acrimony amongst EU countries, who are falling out over everything from the Brexit result to how to deal with the Eurozone crisis.  MORE

14 Comments on Hungary PM says Muslim migration “increases terrorism and crime” and “destroys national culture”

    Speaking the truth can cause temporary elite deafness, and may result in irreparable harm to the speaker.
    Caution should be used when telling socilaists they are fucking it up for everyone.

  2. On my first visit to Hungary in 2001 the majority of cars you saw were the old soviet Travants and people were still relatively poor. On my next visit in 2006 most people were driving new modern cars and big discount stores similar to Costco were commonplace. Eastern Europe countries have embraced capitalism and western values and they are not about to give them up.

  3. Eventually more European countries will realize Muslims do not assimilate. They, as a cancer are invasive and take over to kill the original country they infiltrated. America needs to wake up.

  4. I am reminded of Robert Heinlein’s 1951 book, “The Puppet Masters”, with the invading quoranderthals as the invading parasite jelly slugs, and we, the no-longer-free peoples as the victims of these parasites.
    A lot of parallels between the two.

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