Hungary sentences 10 migrants for illegal border crossing – IOTW Report

Hungary sentences 10 migrants for illegal border crossing

Reuters- A Hungarian court on Friday sentenced 10 migrants to jail terms for illegally crossing the border during a riot in September 2015, after Hungary built a razorwire fence to seal its frontier with Serbia.

It was the first case to come to trial under a law passed days before the incident that made illegal border crossing as part of a rioting crowd punishable by between one and five years in prison.

Nine of the migrants were sentenced to about a year in jail, but were released immediately as their sentences were cut by two-thirds at the judge’s discretion and offset by time they had spent in detention since September.

One migrant was kept behind bars after receiving a three-year sentence for issuing instructions to rioters through a loudspeaker. Both the prosecutor and defence appealed against the ruling.

Nearly half the more than a million migrants who surged into Europe last year passed through Hungary, often causing chaos at borders and along the main migration routes.  more here

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