Hungary: Syrian refugees chant ‘F**K YOU!’ and ‘Allah Akbar!’ – IOTW Report

Hungary: Syrian refugees chant ‘F**K YOU!’ and ‘Allah Akbar!’

TRS:  It is really difficult to get a handle on this immigrant crisis that is streaming into Europe. On the one hand, you have offensive stuff like this video which appears to be Syrian “refugees” chanting an epithet and “Allah Akbar”…
rage boy

But if you look at the mainstream media coverage of the event, it’s all happy families and grateful women and old men. 

Meanwhile, it appears that Hungary is terribly suspicious of the influx, given their past as the historical bulwark against Islamist aggression:


13 Comments on Hungary: Syrian refugees chant ‘F**K YOU!’ and ‘Allah Akbar!’

  1. C’mon, it’s not that difficult. OOH you have the elites and their media hacks that are painting gumdrops and lollipops as 10s of 1,000s of these invaders pour into their former countries.

    Then on the ground, you have videos that weren’t suppressed showing roving gangs of these marauders storming through CBDs destroying everything within reach while horrified inhabitants are watching. One thing I didn’t see were any armed or for that matter unarmed, cops. I guess they were following Baltimore’s lead and giving the thugs space to vent their frustration.

    I don’t know what familiarity you have with medieval knights but this shit wouldn’t go 2 feet with them. WTF has happened to us?

  2. UK Express reports ISIS has sent 4,000 of its jihadists among the “refugees”. Calls it “complete success”.

    I wonder how many of their own people the political elite are willing to sacrifice? Sweden became the rape capital of the world before this latest influx.

    Meanwhile, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Qatar, Kuwait reject the so-called refugees.

  3. Nothing happened to “us.” Historically there’s barely ever been enough of “us” to keep “us” & the rest of the world safe & prosperous. Dictators & tyrants know what “us” are capable of, which is why they have always tried to limit the number of “us.” In the USA this has been going on steadily for a century but has picked up snowballing speed & momentum since 1964. So it has always been throughout the recurring cycles of human history.


  4. Not buying that. There was a time when scumbags like the Baltimore looters or moslims destroying small towns in s Italy wouldn’t have tried that shit for fear of their lives.

    Now they know they have free reign and looky at what you get.

  5. No argument. At this time in history there ain’t enough of “us” in certain places to stem the flow of evil.

    As Lavallette stood at Malta, as Charles the Hammer stood at Poitiers, as Jan Sobieski stood at the gates of Vienna, and as Don John of Austria stood at Lepanto so will we – or we’ll become dhimmis of the Caliphate or converts banging our heads on the floor five times a day.

    Or dead & our day, culture & history be dissolved & erased by rag-tag illiterate goat fucking fanatics.

    Our choice.

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