Hungary: The EU is on the side of Terrorists – IOTW Report

Hungary: The EU is on the side of Terrorists Over the last couple of years Hungary and Poland have led a bloc of Eastern European countries that, like President Trump, recognize the danger in unchecked Muslim migration into Europe. The V4 Nations as they’ve become known (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic) have all taken a hard stand against the European Union’s position of total refugee acceptance, and free movement throughout Europe. Instead, the V4 countries have built fences and walls (gasp) and spent millions to protect their borders and ensure the safety of their citizens. What have they gotten for it?

Well, while the rest of Europe suffers from a massive spike in crime (particularly sexual violence) and a dramatic increase in terrorism, the V4 nations have seen no corresponding rise in crime and they’ve suffered ZERO successful Muslim terrorist attacks. ZERO.

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10 Comments on Hungary: The EU is on the side of Terrorists

  1. Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic have been under heavy handed bureaucratic government edicts with little liberty
    The EU is now trying to force them to destroy their own nations under a one-European Government like the Soviet system they survived.
    Leave the EU.
    The US should move our military troops from Germany, France and England and move them to Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic. At least they yearn to maintain individual freedom.


    Russia forcibly removes the V4 nations from the EU (also at their request) and rejoin the Soviet Eastern bloc to protect themselves. The EU has no balls to do anything about it. They will accept the outcome and do a little nagging and threatening, and that’ll be the end of it.

  3. It would be too easy to draw the false assumption that only countries that took no muslims had no increase in sexual perversion especially with children.
    Al Gore is needed to “adjust” the data to reflect current political correctness.

  4. Any country who makes such a fine Kielbasa that the name of your country ends up as the Name has exceedingly high standards, and whose judgement should be viewed as august and prudent.

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