Hungry? – IOTW Report

31 Comments on Hungry?

  1. I love Thai foods and brianni. We grow many of our own spices lemon grass, Thai basil, and kaffir limes and leaves. I don’t care for the ways Indians serve meat dishes.. Just chop the meat in random places

  2. I don’t know much about Asia… but my brother and I were telephone men in DC. In DC there are these things called roach coaches. There was one by one of the museums on one frightfully hot and humid DC day. The terrorists who ran the roach coach had dumped a bin of overdue chicken parts into a street drain. The parts didn’t go down the drain, they just got stuck. The flies and reek were nearly that of August garbage truck juice. Revolting.

    That’s how I imagine Asian roach coach terrorist food markets.

  3. I remember never eating a baloot while in the Philippines in Olongapo City nor eating the monkey meat skewered on a stick they sold on street corners there. They did have great fried rice and lousy beer, San Miguel or San Magoo as we called it. The best Chinese food I ever ate was in Hong Kong where a bunch of us from my squadron ate at, the fish was so fresh because they had large aquariums full of fish that you chose what fish you wanted to eat and the cooks would take it and prepare it immediately, it was very good. And the best steak I ever ate was in Singapore, I believe it was water buffalo. But most of the Asian food was totally gross like eels and such.

  4. You eat a hot dog out of a terrorist roach coach, and then 15 minutes later shit your trousers and puke on a fucking 150,000 dollar camera…

    I don’t know what to tell you.

    We go straight to work on the camera. Puke and shit yourself all you want.

    “He’s sick!”

    “We gotta get this camera to the slop sink. You got the key?”

  5. @Hanoverfist

    That’s like the Iranians that were licking the windows & door knobs of the mosques.
    You would be safer licking the seats of a New York subway.

  6. My son accidentally made a baloot once when he was a kid, he buried a hard boiled egg in a coffee can with a plastic lid on top in the back yard. Anyway he forgot about it and found it a year or so later and opened the lid and the smell and the maggots made him sick. He never did that again.

  7. Durian? Okay. That’s edgy./s

    The phrase used to be, “To each his own.” But I don’t think eating durian is going to become a thing.

    One of the highlights of TDY in South Korea was to get up a large group of airmen — we visitors and our “permanent” hosts — and go clubbing off base. The music and dancing were always fun. At the end of an evening we’d partake of the street food. It’s been a long time and I don’t remember what we had, but it wasn’t any worse than what you’d find at any food festival stateside. I do remember that most of it was served in paper cones made of U.S. IRS forms. Truly.

  8. My attorney and I with our spouses and kids took a trip together to southern India and I was careful to insist that everyone , starting two days before leaving, consume the juice of two limes per day. In your drink, on your food or straight. This would continue until back home. I learned this while in a hospital fighting for my life in a remote area of Mexico…it makes everything in your gut into Cerviiche. Everyone followed my advice except my attorney friend who disliked wives tales. It was disconcerting to say goodbye to him and his caring wife while I took his four kids home and can never unsee him sitting in the bath tub with the shower on low , head resting on a pillow as his life juices poured out. Doctor and nurse Staying in his rental and wife picking up medical supplies. Seven weeks , forty pounds later he arrived in Switzerland where he was removed from the plane for three more weeks in hospital. All together, 10 weeks, $ 45,000.00, 50 pounds later he arrived back home for not taking the Limes.


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