Hunter and Joe Biden Contradict One Another Regarding Ukraine Scandal – IOTW Report

Hunter and Joe Biden Contradict One Another Regarding Ukraine Scandal


Joe and Hunter Biden are contradicting each other about the extent of the former vice president’s knowledge regarding his son’s shadowy business dealings in Ukraine.

The former vice president told reporters during a campaign appearance in Iowa on Saturday that he denied ever having discussed his son’s position on the board of directors of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian oil and natural gas company.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Joe Biden angrily told reporters, before accusing President Donald Trump of abusing his power by urging the Ukrainian government to investigate the matter.

The former vice president’s claim, however, is contradicted by Hunter Biden’s own words on the topic. The younger Biden admitted during a series of candid interviews for a New Yorker profile published in June that he in fact had discussed his foreign business interests with his father on at least one occasion.

“Dad said, ‘I hope you know what you are doing,’ and I said, ‘I do’” Hunter Biden told the magazine.

The contradicting stories between father and son only underscore the multiple unanswered questions already plaguing the situation. At the center of controversy is how and why Hunter Biden was asked to join the Bursima board of directors in April 2014, despite not having any experience with Ukraine or the energy industry. Even more concerning to ethics watchdogs is the fact that at the same time Hunter Biden was tapped for the $83,000 a month job, his father was the Obama administration’s point man on Ukraine. read more here

13 Comments on Hunter and Joe Biden Contradict One Another Regarding Ukraine Scandal

  1. Don’t explain a thing. Ignore them.
    Investigate Biden for telling Ukraine to fire the prosecutor after his son’s company.

    Never play defense. EVER
    Go on the offense.

  2. I never discussed my son taking that job making serious cash off that country I’m heavily involved with and tell their President that I’m getting on a plane in 6 hours and that if he doesn’t fire the prosecutor in aforementioned 6 hours while in front of the tv cameras for investigating my son that I’m withholding $1.6B in US aid. Getting on my official Air Force 2 plane and leaving.

    Sure there’s six billion people on Earth and the only person qualified to sit on the Board of Directors of their gas company is my son who just got bounced out of the Navy for cocaine.

    It’s a small world! And not a smidgen of corruption in it.

    Because Trump’s the crook.

  3. Beginning to wonder if this is not a Swamp but a warren or catacomb.

    This is like festering out the VC, from what I have read, in the tunnels in Vietnam.

    Deep, the Swill it does, reside…


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