Hunter Biden asks court to stop love child from taking his sullied surname – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden asks court to stop love child from taking his sullied surname

NYP: He doesn’t want to give her his bad name.

Hunter Biden asked a judge to deny his 4-year-old daughter from taking his surname — claiming it’s a lightning rod for criticism and would rob the child of a “peaceful existence.”

The first son’s request on Jan. 6 came amid an ongoing paternity case against him in Independence, Ark., where Biden is fighting to lower his child-support payments to baby mama Lunden Roberts for their love child, Navy Joan Roberts.

Roberts, 31, asked Circuit Court Judge Holly Meyer on Dec. 27 to allow their daughter to take the Biden name, claiming it would benefit their daughter because it is “now synonymous with being well educated, successful, financially acute and politically powerful.”

But the president’s erratic son — who was being probed for shady foreign business deals, battled crack addiction, and been filmed waiving a gun around in the nude with a prostitute — disagreed about the value of his sullied surname. more

13 Comments on Hunter Biden asks court to stop love child from taking his sullied surname

  1. “it’s a lightning rod for criticism and would rob the child of a “peaceful existence.”

    I don’t have your last name, and I haven’t lived a peaceful existence since your sperm donor, Pedo Joe, robbed me of my “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” Today is just another day in Joe’s hell.

  2. A 4 year old is a lightning rod for criticism???

    This coked-out, pimped-out, filthy pervert’s brain has been fried by drugs and struck by lightning more than a few times, but not by a 4 YO “love” child!! The biden family is giving her every reason to hate them when she is old enough to understand what garbage these people truly are!

  3. The Bidens are doing this because it will make it more difficult to ignore her existence. It’s possible, though not likely, that the Democrat Media Mafia will actually acknowledge what douchebags the Biden family is.
    Do you think you’ll hear anything about this on CNNCBSNBCABCNYTWaPo? Answer: No.

  4. First thought, and confirmed by the rest of the story, is he’s fighting against child support. Both parents are lying about their motivation behind wanting and not wanting Navy to have her father’s name. The mother wants money, the father doesn’t want to pay.

  5. Hunter’s like he is because he “showered” with his dad, the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden.
    Maybe he’s trying to save the kid from sexual abuse by his dad, the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey Biden.

    Apparently the entire Biden Clan consists of liars, thieves, corruption, perversion, anti-Americanism, grifting, and greed.

    The little girl’s better off without the “Biden” moniker – maybe she should try “Clinton” seeing how it’s Arkansas.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  6. all because he couldn’t keep his ‘lightning rod’ in his pants
    in this courtroom, he’s saying he’s a reprobate and to have his last name would be bad for his child. Then he goes into another courtroom and denies the reprobate things he is charged with.
    if pronouns can be chosen, so should names. If she doesn’t like the name later on in her life, she can change it.

  7. Maybe she will grow up to be the next crackhead painter. Then her paintings will be worth $500,000 instead of $50.
    It would be interesting to know the child support payments. Chances are Mom doesn’t have to strip anymore.

  8. Thinking about it seriously, this just might be the first decent thing this worthless P.O.S. has ever done for someone. I’m sure it’s also probably an accident and doesn’t have any self-serving motives attached to it…

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