Hunter Biden breaks up with brother’s widow – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden breaks up with brother’s widow

DM UK: Joe Biden’s son Hunter, 49, has reportedly split from his partner of two years Hallie Biden, 45, who was the widow of his late brother Beau.

The break-up comes on the heels of Joe Biden’s highly anticipated presidential campaign announcement just last week.

In 2016 Biden said he didn’t run for president because he was grieving over Beau’s death and was notably mum on his son Hunter’s tawdry affair that tarnished his family’s wholesome reputation.

Hallie was the wife to Joseph ‘Beau’ Biden, the former Attorney General of Delaware and a major in the National Guard, until he tragically passed away at the age of 46 from brain cancer in 2015. The two share a son and daughter.

Two years after Beau’s death in 2017, Hallie began to rub shoulders with Beau’s lawyer younger brother Hunter and the two have remained a couple since.

When they met, Hunter was still married to his then-wife Kathleen, though they had been estranged. That divorce was finalized in April 2017. MORE

18 Comments on Hunter Biden breaks up with brother’s widow

  1. So in case you’re still wondering why Trump dubbed Joe Biden “sleepy” instead of “creepy”, now you know. Hunter Biden had already claimed the “Creepy” Biden nickname.

  2. Hallie Biden has or did or does work at some Academy and has also played an ‘admissions counselor’ for higher education ticket talking in behind the scenes financial and emotional guidance.

  3. Meanwhile we have dems digging into Tiffany Trump’s spending in college. Biden’s loser son also screwed his ex wife out of assets, left her and his kids destitute while he spent their assets on taudry exploits. Shocking another relationship that started based on lies tanked.

  4. In the old Hebrew culture, a man was expected to marry his brother’s widow, but not while married to someone else. And generally only if the couple had been childless, to carry on the brother’s name through offspring.

  5. biden family values

    “Former Vice President Joe Biden’s surviving son, Hunter, hasn’t just dumped his wife for his late brother’s widow, he has squandered his family’s money on hookers, strip clubs and drugs, according to divorce papers obtained by The Post.

    “His spending rarely relates to legitimate family expenses, but focuses on his own travel (at times multiple hotel rooms on the same night), gifts for other women, alcohol, strip clubs, or other personal indulgences,” Kathleen Biden says of Hunter in the papers filed ”

  6. Just so we’re clear, Hunter Biden isn’t a rocket surgeon.

    China and Ukraine are giving kickbacks to Biden through him. Investigate that. Investigate his 6 month tour in the Navy at age 42.

    He’s subhuman garbage just like his father.

    And “rubbed shoulders” is a very odd spelling of “started adulterously fucking”.


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