You read that right. He’s afraid the media and his foes will try to rip him new ones over his entanglements. If it works, can everyone else in this country get this special deal, too?
BPR: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, is locked in a legal tussle with an ex-stripper over financial support for a baby born out of wedlock that he’s responsible for.
The younger Biden’s finances have been a point of interest given his controversial involvement with the Ukrainian gas company Burismo Holdings, and now he has a reason to attempt to seal all financial records in the paternity case.
And he has done just that, filing a request in Arkansas this week, Daily Mail reported.
“Due to the extraordinary circumstances surrounding the parties involved in this matter, it is in the interest of justice and necessary for a Protective Order to be in place,’ Biden attorney Dustin McDaniel said, according to Daily Mail.
Biden’s legal team claimed that any disclosure would cause their client “undue prejudice, annoyance, embarrassment, and/or oppression,” citing fears that the media would “maliciously” use the personal information. read more
mrs6pak just informed me that I better not try “undue embarrassment” for any reason. Darn, here I thought I came across something I could use in the future.
sympathy can be found between shit and syphilis in the dictionary
that leaves ‘due’ embarrassment open, then.
And he does deserve it..
The fcukin’ reprobate is morally bankrupt.
Lay it out on the table, and let the public learn from his bad example(s).
yeah, seal his records- that will help with investigations of his daddy and Ukrainian, Romanian, Chinese and who knows where else, corruption. As deep rooted as the corrupt of our government is, I might be cynical enough to consider that his asking for his records to be sealed is but a ploy to hide a key that would reveal the magnitude of the corruption. He might be ‘taking one for the gypper.’
Now’s the time, Hunter. Head back to Central and Eastern Europe and declare your love for KJU. He just recalled his ambassador uncle from the Czech Republic. Cash in now, but remember, keep the picture looking new.
Apparently Joe called the judge and told him if he didn’t comply within 72 he will be swatted, his pets will be shot, crack will be planted on him, he will be red flagged, and more.
I don’t think this guys right in the head. A real father would have gotten him some help. Nice going Joe.
Imagine the undue embarrassment the stripper and her child feel being part of the Biden family.
Of COURSE the AR judges will cover up his finances!
They KNOW what it means, to be, “Arkancided!!!”

I guess the “nO MaLaRkEy” tour bus had to leave Hunter behind to start turnin’ his life around.
What’s really embarrassing is on his 2010 1040 Income Tax form, under “Profession”, he put, “Vice President’s Crackhead Son”.
Liberals, just like COCKroaches, prefer their dealings to happen in darkness, away from prying eyes.
But we deserve to see Trump’s tax returns.
Someone quick call the Whaambulance for Cunter. He must remember how Obama beat his senate rival Jack Ryan by having a bought judge open his divorce records up to the public that were sealed to protect Ryan’s kids. All those juicy personal details came flying out. A famous dirty pool David Axelrod trick. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander, so fuck you Cunter and dildo you rode in on.
I don’t see the problem with sealing court records.
So Obama got his opponent’s divorce records unsealed, but Hunter Biden is afraid of embarrassment by an ex-stipper not named Stormy Daniels…
The sleazy pelosi’s are next: her son and her were in on the same scam.
There ain’t a shame gland between the bunch of ’em!
I think that $50,000 a month until little Hunter is 21 would be satisfactory support.
Maybe Hunter planned a future Presidential run?
Should have thought of that prior to boinking a stripper without protection
Maybe don’t fuck whores while smoking crack and cheating on your whore sister in law you started fucking when your wife threw your useless ass out for fucking whores and smoking crack, you stupid whore fucking crackhead.