Hunter Biden claims he joined the Burisma board to counter Russian aggression 😂 – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden claims he joined the Burisma board to counter Russian aggression 😂

Speaking to the press immediately after the deposition, Gaetz said there had been a number of interesting moments during the deposition, “but perhaps none more interesting than when Hunter Biden told us that he joined the Burisma board ‘to counter Russian aggression.”

“I hadn’t heard that one before!” Gaetz scoffed.

21 Comments on Hunter Biden claims he joined the Burisma board to counter Russian aggression 😂

  1. I can’t wait to see where Biden takes that whopper…

    “Look…my oldest son, Beau, died fighting in Iraq, and my other son, Hunter volunteered to storm the Board of Burisma. And you know what? He took that hill. You’re welcome.”

  2. Did you see his excellent, adept handling of SEC DEF Austins lack of honor, candor and accountability on multiple issues.

    Matt Gaetz even has his own radio rumble stream. If you have not seen the Austin segment (which many didn’t because the media did not cover that part, which means in the media that it did not happen) you should go to his Rumble Page and watch it. I do not know if it is mirrored on youtube.

    Austin refuses to help 8,000 plus VAX Victims harmed by DOD POLICIES

    His latest Fire Brand podcast is number #155 and covers McCon step down.

    Matt Gaetz is on Team America
    Rand Paul also

  3. “Look…my oldest son, Beau, died fighting in Iraq, and my other son, Hunter volunteered to storm his dead brother’s wife. And you know what? He took that mound!

  4. Addicts tend to see themselves with distorted vision and think themselves smarter than anyone else anyway so this testimony was no surprise. Especially when you saw video of how high he was. He didn’t blink he was so high.

  5. That chip off the Old Dumbshit is making the case that he should go enlist in YouKrane! To in fact counter “Russian aggression”!

    1 They’re recruiting. Anyone with a pulse.
    2. It’s a near certain Death Penalty at the front. A true Win-Win, save the taxpayers on trials and incarceration of this POS, and he gets to fulfill his moral obligations. lol

  6. @ beachmom Friday, 1 March 2024, 11:26 at 11:26 am

    Your post applies to ALL leftists this last decade: the Obozos, the Peach Fohdyfie idiots on near every Committee, the prosecutors and justices at every farcical trial of President Trump, even the mask-wearing Nancys that harassed people mercilessly.

    Do you suppose Leftists are always high??

  7. ^^^^^
    Let’s follow down that path a little farther. What is being high? Well a big part of it is diminished mental capacity. In other words, they’re freaken stupid. My God just look at the Trolls that show up here.

  8. Hunter is on court mandated drug testing. Something that Trumo Jr & Matt Gaetz should be required to do. Brad is oh so smart, you must be a graduate of Trump University just like dumb as they come Jr is.

  9. Yep, looks like anudder republicon witch-hunt. Everytime they keep coming up even more empty handed then before.
    Best to leave investigations to the Professionals, da Dems.
    But butt hell if all you got is a dead horse, just maybe the next time you beat it will be a weiner.

  10. Well a big part of it is diminished mental capacity.

    Dindu sez “I gots nuthin to do, but I can do it better high!
    Well who the hell can beat THAT logic!!


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