Hunter Biden Could Face Federal Sex Trafficking Charges – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Could Face Federal Sex Trafficking Charges

17 Comments on Hunter Biden Could Face Federal Sex Trafficking Charges

  1. Oh, please……………Hunter is more well protected than the gold in Fort Knox( do we still have any gold left?). Does anybody really think Stooge Garland is going to let anything happen to Hunter?

    Also, with the thousands of good-looking women in Russia, why are all the ones seen with Hunter in various stages of intoxication all mutts? Me thinks he pays for crack whores but doesn’t want to spring for top-shelf ladies because they will laugh at his little dick.

  2. ‘Could’, yeah, and I ‘could’ pretend to believe the fucking liberals are willing to do….

    Forget it!
    Fuck each and every one of the lying commie liberal BASTARDS.

    ….Just biding my time, waiting for the action to begin.

  3. … and I could be Cleopatra Queen of the Nile. The latter is a safer bet.

    Given what we have seen from the Republican establishment regarding the daylight theft of a Presidential election, nobody in their right mind would expect them to actually stand for anything.

  4. It should be painfully clear by now that if conservatives want justice they will need to see to it themselves. Unfortunately that will never happen. There’s a two tiered justice system. Conservatives and everyone else.

  5. He could but he won’t. His dad committed a felony right on camera when he threatened to withhold foreign aid to Ukraine unless they fired a prosecutor looking into a company that was paying his son to funnel money to the VP Biden himself. But, instead, Trump was impeached for trying to look into that lawlessness.

    Fuck the democrats
    Fuck the GOP
    Fuck the bureaucrat cunts who rule the DoJ
    Fuck the news media

    They are all servants of Satan now.


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