Hunter Biden Could Face Prostitution Charges – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Could Face Prostitution Charges


Hunter Biden could face prostitution charges for transporting hookers across state lines and disguising checks to them as payments for ‘medical services.’ First Son spent $30k in five months on ‘the girlfriend experience’

  • Documents, texts and videos obtained by show Hunter Biden spent a staggering $30,000 on escorts in a five-month period
  • Hunter wrote checks to a Ukrainian woman named Ekaterina Moreva who was named in red flag reports by banks for suspicious activity, documents reveal
  • A Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) filed by JPMorgan Chase flagged transactions involving Moreva after she received tens of thousands of dollars from Hunter’s company
  • Photos from Hunter’s iPhone show he wrote checks disguised as medical services to prostitutes supplied by Moreva, whose website offers a ‘girlfriend experience’ 
  • Videos and pictures show Hunter helping transport these women from Boston to New York for a debauched night with him – a potential federal offense 


24 Comments on Hunter Biden Could Face Prostitution Charges

  1. Tim – FJB
    JULY 12, 2022 AT 8:14 AM
    “Yeah, right after Hillary Clinton is charge with Treason and Murder …

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …”

    …and Fauci is rightly convicted of violating the Nuremberg Laws and appropriately executed.

  2. That guy leaves me nauseated when I see his face. He’s so sleazy like his dad Pedo Peter. I can’t think of any other President in our history who is as sleazy as the Bidens. Not even Bathhouse Barry came this close – Kennedy’s either.

  3. This is nothing more than a distraction and anyone that gives a fuck about what won’t happen to Hunter is missing why even this bullshit is being allowed to ooze through Big Tech’s censorship.

    There is direct evidence on the laptop that implicates Joe in numerous dealings with China with Hunter acting as bagman.

    Joe has repeatedly said that he never talked to Hunter about any of his businesses and has sworn he knows nothing about any of them yet he’s left voice mails that belie that.

    Remember Tony Bulbalinski(whatevs) and his written proof that “the big guy”‘s 10% was to be held by H(Hunter)in a Chinese energy company? And man-o-man Hunter has a dozen of these partnerships with Chinese companies. He pulled in over $30 million in a couple years selling access to Joe.

    Remember how he complained about the big guy’s cut and how he was the one paying the bills and bringing the cash for the “family”

    These cock suckers are in it up to their eyeballs in pay for play. This is off the charts corruption. They are selling our national security to the Chinese. We do not have a government we have a criminal cartel that believes it has a monopoly on violence. If Sri Lanka is telling us anything, it’s telling us why the Capital is ringed with 10’ high barbed wire fence. They are scared to death that their malfeasance will come to light and MAYBE finally…huh??? FINALLY.

    And don’t think for a second that confiscation and disarmament is going to go away. Like that famous meme says, If they treat is like this when we have 600 million guns, imagine what they’ll do when we’re disarmed.

  4. So, Daily Mail, did you check the dates when Hunter transported multiple prostitutes from Boston to NYC for a “debauched weekend”, and compared it with Pedo Pete’s travel itinerary? Did Joe get 10% of the Girlfriend Experience?

  5. When the FBI was sent to bully and confiscate Ashley Biden’s diary from the woman who found it after it was left, and showed up to intimidate Project Veritas journalists over it, does anyone seriously believe Hunter Biden will be in legal trouble?
    Nothing would happen to him.
    He is a democrat, son of a democrat. Laws are for you and me, little unimportant people, not for them.
    Hunter and Joe’s photos should be put next to the definition of DC swamp creatures.

  6. Benny July 12, 2022 at 10:22 am

    Blah blah blah prostitute hooker & crack oh my. Across state lines you mean like Matt Gaetz did?

    Yes, but Bang-Bang the Chinese spy he was banging is dead. She was in the Chinese plane that dive bombed into a hillside a few months back. They got rid of the evidence.

    As for the SS securing tramps for Biden, they banged the tramps right after Humper got done with them. They got a twofer.

  7. It’s not just the AG, the whole fucking DOJ needs to be burned to ground. HR has been recruiting virtual communists for the entry level positions and these dicks have moved on to middle management and higher. There’s no fixing it, REgressives have destroyed it.

    I haven’t listen to Hannity for years but I remember his constant bullshit refrain that there were just a few bad apples in the FBI but 99% of the agents were solid. What a GD joke. BOOM

  8. “Blah blah blah prostitute hooker & crack oh my. Across state lines you mean like Matt Gaetz did?”
    Except that allegation about Matt Gaetz was never proven.
    But then again, some people run after shiny objects, and don’t care about facts.

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