Hunter Biden demands investigations into reporting on his laptop, threatens to sue Tucker Carlson – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden demands investigations into reporting on his laptop, threatens to sue Tucker Carlson

JTN: First son Hunter Biden and his legal team sent a slew of letters to government agencies on Wednesday demanding investigations into the dissemination of materials from his laptop, while also threatening to sue Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

A source familiar with the letters, obtained by CBS News, indicated to the outlet that the scandal-plagued Biden intends to take the initiative in combatting negative press and Republican-led investigations.

“He is not going to sit quietly by as questionable characters continue to violate his rights and media organizations peddling in lies try to defame him,” the source said.

The letter to Carlson demands that the Fox host retract statements describing a “money laundering scheme” connected to Biden allegedly paying his father “rent” money. The letter acknowledges that other outlets have retracted such claims.

Other letters went to the Delaware attorney general, the IRS, and the Department of Justice seeking investigations related to the publication of the laptop, the authenticity of which has since been verified.

The letters appear to mark a direct admission from Biden’s legal team that the laptop does indeed belong to Biden and that the contents are authentic. more

24 Comments on Hunter Biden demands investigations into reporting on his laptop, threatens to sue Tucker Carlson

  1. What’s needed is a class action lawsuit, the citizens of the United States vs the Biden Crime Family, the democrat party, the RNC, and all the TRAITOROUS BASTARDS that have gotten us into this mess! Talk about an opportunity for lawyers to generate a paycheck.

  2. someone so absolutely corrupt will have a hard time trying to convince a judge that anyone has besmirched his character

    that is, if the judge isn’t just as corrupt as he is … & there are plenty of Clinton, Obama & Biden judges just waiting for a kickback from the DNC, ala SBF/FTX Ukraine money laundering of USA taxpayers $$$

    the US Federal Government is the biggest crime organization in the history of the world … there is only justice for us, not them

  3. @ RadioMattM

    He’s either blowing smoke or forgetting that when somebody is sued, he gets to present evidence as well. Exactly my thoughts as soon as the suit is filed Sopena the laptop, my guess is the suit would be dropped immediately.

  4. “… trying to convince a judge …”
    Just hand em a fat envelope – that’s all the convincing a “judge” needs.

    Judges are bought and sold every day – sometimes for cash – sometimes for toddlers.
    Pretty sure that the Retarded Pedophile Usurper Joey’s Criminal Enterprise could pay a whole slew of “judges” in whatever coin they asked.

    They are laundering, literally, $Billions upon $Billions JUST through Ukraine! Any sleazoid Locomotive Breath sitting on a bench could be richer than his wildest fantasies – in cash, captured illegal-immigrant children, or both.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. If he’s trying to intimidate Fox it won’t work. Tucker is too popular.
    Tucker can always bring up the child porn and pedophilia that’s on the laptop if talk of deals with corrupt foreign countries is upsetting Hunter.

  6. I’m thinking that pedojoe46….
    showered with and diddled all his kids….
    and his grandkids….

    I wonder if pedojoe’s behavior….
    had anything to do with….
    his 1st wife’s tragic traffic “accident.”

  7. wonder if pedojoe’s behavior….
    had anything to do with….
    his 1st wife’s tragic traffic “accident.”

    Well whatever the Grinning Imbecile says happened, you can take it to the bank that it’s a lie!

    Aaaaannnnd… anybody who would use their dead relatives to promote their career is a low-rent, stinking piece of shit!


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