Hunter Biden In The White Trash Hall Of Fame – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden In The White Trash Hall Of Fame

Howie Carr:

Hunter Biden is white trash.

That’s what Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene called him the other day, and as archaic a phrase as it is, it’s perfect.

Just like you can sometimes describe somebody in politics as a hack’s hack, Hunter Biden is white trash’s white trash.

This guy has made millions working in his chosen profession – bagman for the Big Guy. Hey, he said it, not me, on the laptop that the deep state and state-run media lied was “Russian disinformation.”

Hunter told his daughter he’d never ask her to do what Dementia Joe demanded he do – turn over half of all his collections.

On the good days, like when Hunter got the millions from the Chinese energy company, he only had to hold “10 percent for the Big Guy.”

But now he’s a starving artist. That’s what he told the judge in Arkansas on the hearing about his child-support payments to his illegitimate daughter by the Capitol Hill stripper.

The 4-year-old girl’s name is Navy Joan. The Bidens don’t want her using their last name. MORE

Hunter Biden Is White Trash, Part 2

18 Comments on Hunter Biden In The White Trash Hall Of Fame

  1. Meanwhile Doony lost his case against the New York Times.
    In fact Doony has to pay all their legal expenses & then some.
    Soon Doony will lose in the E.Jean Carroll which will cost him a bundle. Makin America Great Again, one lost case after another.

  2. And we always thought that Billy Carter, Jimmy’s Carter’s brother was white trash, he even had his own beer named after him, Billy Beer. And don’t forget slick Willie, he’s up there in the white trash hall of shame as well. But Hunter beats them both hands down as rich, spoiled white trash. It’s time to take the garbage out and indict this jackass and joey as well.

  3. “The Dog returns to his Vomit and the Sow returns to her Mire,
    And the burnt Fool’s bandaged finger goes wabbling back to the Fire.”

    People gravitate toward where they fit in.

    I have a good friend whose parents were, in his words, a shit show. The two oldest of the siblings said to themselves, we want more from life. Both put forth the effort and have completely moved to places where they fit in and are very successful in life. Both have encouraged the younger siblings to follow suit and have even provided them with help and encouragement.

  4. White trash couldn’t afford expensive Hotel Rooms, meth, coke, heroin, expensive hookers (two or more at a time) or expensive restaurants, cars and sure as hell doesn’t have any friends that would bail them out for $2.8 Million for back taxes. The DOJ and FBI would have any white trash in Jail 5+ years ago.

    Hunter the “Turd Polisher” is representative of the Rich Political Establishment Elite who are above the law, any law.

    The DOJ and FBI are weaponized against white trash, the political establishment elite are given a pass, no harm, no foul.

  5. Trash is trash and folks know trash when they see it. Biden’s whole fam-damily is trash on the hoof. Trashy people think having a lot of spending money means they’re not trash, but trash shows through the cash, in fact, their cash ain’t nothin’ but trash, to paraphrase a song lyric.

    If you’ve ever spent time around big medium money people you know who’s who and deal with them accordingly. A hundred fifty foot yacht and the heads never get cleaned. The 18th century French burl armoire with a fist size hole through the door. Cigar butts in the flower beds. Yes, you know it when you see it.

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