Hunter Biden Is the Subject of a Criminal Investigation Involving Burisma, Legal Filing Claims – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Is the Subject of a Criminal Investigation Involving Burisma, Legal Filing Claims


Hunter Biden is the subject of multiple criminal investigations regarding “fraud, money laundering, and a counterfeiting scheme” according to documents filed in an Arkansas paternity case. The documents, filed Monday by the Florida-based private-eye firm D&A Investigations, specifically name Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company that hired Biden to the board while his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, was the Obama administration point person on Ukraine.

Biden “is the subject of more than one criminal investigation involving fraud, money laundering, and a counterfeiting scheme,” the filing alleges, according to The New York Post. Biden and a group of business associates “established bank and financial accounts with Morgan Stanley … for Burisma Holdings Limited … for the money laundering scheme,” the filing alleges.

D&A Investigations went on to claim that the accounts showed an average value of nearly $6.8 million between March 2014 and December 2015.

The filing also names Devon Archer and Christopher Heinz, long-term associates of Hunter Biden. Heinz, the son-in-law of then-Secretary of State John Kerry, also entered lucrative business deals with Biden’s son in China. At the time, Joe Biden and John Kerry went soft on China despite the Middle Kingdom’s aggression in the South China Sea.

According to D&A Investigations, the vice president’s son and his associates “utilized a counterfeiting scheme to conceal the Morgan Stanley et al average Account Value.”

The filing also claims that the vice president’s son had a role in a plot to rip off Sioux Native Americans to the tune of $60 million through the sale of tribal bonds. John Galanis, Archer, and Bevan Cooney were found guilty for their roles in June 2018, following a lengthy New York federal court trial. read more

10 Comments on Hunter Biden Is the Subject of a Criminal Investigation Involving Burisma, Legal Filing Claims

  1. And his father knows nothing about it. Lol.

    Him objecting to turning over his financials to the Judge in the paternity case reminds me of that scene in Liar, Liar.

    Objection, your honor!

    On what grounds?

    It’s extremely damaging to my case.

  2. It’s close to impossible that the Biden, Kerry, Pelosi crime syndicate is under investigation. It would be nice but things like that never happen. Maybe some investigations on the fringe, some secondary corruption that could somehow be “linked” to some republican.

  3. Poor old dirty corrupt slow Joe must be feeling like the little Dutch boy plugging leaks in the dyke…oops, there springs another one. He can’t keep up – not even with the help of the dirty, corrupt, lamestream media covering for him.

    It’s just a matter of time. And when the dam breaks it’s going to take Obama and his treasonous crew with it.

    This is quite enjoyable to watch unfold.


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