Hunter Biden probe reaches ‘critical stage,’ as officials weigh possible charges: source – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden probe reaches ‘critical stage,’ as officials weigh possible charges: source

FOX: The federal investigation into Hunter Biden and his tax affairs has reached a “critical stage,” a source told Fox News, as officials are looking into whether to charge President Biden’s son with various tax violations, possible foreign lobbying violations and more.

Hunter Biden has been under federal investigation since 2018, according to a source familiar with the matter. 

A separate source told Fox News that the federal grand jury looking into Hunter Biden’s business dealings wrapped up its latest term late last month, but said no charges have been filed.

The investigation is being conducted by Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss, a prosecutor appointed by former President Donald Trump.

The source told Fox News on Wednesday that Weiss and Justice Department officials were looking into whether to charge Hunter Biden with various tax violations and, more seriously, possible foreign lobbying violations. The source said Hunter Biden could face possible false statements charges. more here

23 Comments on Hunter Biden probe reaches ‘critical stage,’ as officials weigh possible charges: source

  1. I don’t recall the J6 probe having any stages building towards the critical possibility of the distinctly potential likelihood that——I sure do sound like Fauci, don’t I?—charges might, at some point, be brought against the alleged trespassers. No, those poor people were hunted down, rounded up at thrown in jail immediately, where they dot to this day, awaiting their more formal long term imprisonment, with no hope of credit for time served already. F—k this f—ky government we have.

    And f—k Colbert and his merry band of assholes. I hope they all DIAF while on ventilators.

  2. Hunter will skate.

    Some maggot lawyer at DoJ will conclude that no jury will convict him so there’s no reason to indict him (the logic they used with HRC).

    Our legal system has little to do with justice and everything to do with “arcanum dominatus.” And this is not a new development. After all is said and done, Hunter is only doing what hundreds of other politicians’ relatives are doing, only he’s sloppy about it.

    If you expect the maggots in DC to clean up DC, you are a fool.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. He will not be charged. Even if some brave soul brought charges against him, they will be meaningless. See the Jussie Smollett case, and what happened to him after he was convicted.
    Laws are not for them. Laws are for you and me, little and unimportant people.


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