Hunter Biden Runs From Journalists, Slams Door When Confronted About Burisma – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Runs From Journalists, Slams Door When Confronted About Burisma

More bad news for the Biden family.

Conservative Brief:
Film producers Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney have announced that they are releasing a film exposing Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, for his “wildlife and dodgy business dealings.”

The film, which is titled “My Son Hunter,” and will feature Hunter Biden’s alleged drug abuse, alcohol abuse, and corrupt business dealings.

McAleer confronted Hunter Biden at his Los Angeles residence about being a bagman for Joe Biden, who was referred to in emails from Hunter Biden as “The Big Guy.”

Hunter Biden ran from the journalists and slammed the door on them when confronted about his international pay-to-play scheme and Burisma corruption.

“Hunter came down to answer the door but he ran when he saw it was journalists asking questions,” the reporter said. more here

10 Comments on Hunter Biden Runs From Journalists, Slams Door When Confronted About Burisma

  1. Good luck.

    His whoreishness, thievery and drug use are common knowledge. The media will continue to give him tongue bathes and our worthless law enforcement agencies won’t do squat.

    Just about anyone that wants to know the facts about the Bidens can easily do so. People that get their information exclusively from the alphabets are not interested.


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