Hunter Biden to Speak at Final Night of DNC – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden to Speak at Final Night of DNC

Hunter Biden, the beleaguered son of Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden, will deliver remarks during Thursday’s edition of the Democrat National Convention (DNC), according to organizers.

Hunter and Ashley Biden will speak about their father in a video ahead of his acceptance of the Democrat White House nomination.

Snip: Are these people for real? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

28 Comments on Hunter Biden to Speak at Final Night of DNC

  1. Well, Hunter will show up if the DNC check for his honorarium clears. And if his demands for cocaine and strippers in the green room are met.

  2. For rebuttal, the GOP should book the stripper mother of Hunter’s lovechild.

    She can inform us of how difficult it was for her to deal with her POS baby-daddy.
    Then Revrunds Sharpton and Jessie Jackson can congratulate Hunter for acting blacker than he looks.

  3. Biden’s have a terrible driving record so I assume Hunter will arrive in a Secret Service van. Long ago, about a month before Trump was elected President, a rental car was returned by someone, probably a Secret Service member, but not Hunter, who had rented the car. In it was a Crack pipe, a wallet with some of Hunter’s items, an attorney generals badge, two drivers licenses belonging to Hunter but different , credit cards and a business card for the Secret Service. A bag of white powder was gathered by FBI agents along with the evidence and , despite the car wreck, it was assumed that nothing criminal had happened. Yes, Democrats are above the Law . Hunter is the recipient of $1.5 billion to invest from the Chinese because he is THE MAN.

  4. That boy’s got an identity crisis going on!
    So which Hunter is going to show up –
    Cheating Hunter?
    Stripper Hunter?
    Dildo Hunter?
    Coke Hunter?
    Graft Hunter?
    Aaaaaannnnnnd will he be speaking from a tree stand on a telephone pole outside a DC strip club?

  5. I won’t be watching the convention. But I can guess what Hunter could say, “My dad made me wealthy. He can help you become wealthy too. After you elect him President of the USA.” Whispering, “Dad, hey dad. Over here. Pay attention, You’re not at home in the basement. You’re on the main stage at the convention. Being live-streamed to the nation.”

  6. Bill Clinton better watching Chelsea’s ass or Hunty B. might take her out to a late dinner and some crack.

    These assholes not only have no shame but know we the voters can’t stop this shit.

  7. For God’s sake this is surreal. They are deep into Babylon Bee territory now. I suspect the Babylon Bee staff have just had to start over conceiving of and writing their next few releases.

    Pro tip from ol’ JD: all is not lost, put a nom de plume on them and sell them to the NYT. There ya have it tomorrows front page above the fold story by freelance journalist

  8. You democrats can rally, speechify, and hurl hate at Trump and his supporters all you want.

    We see your destruction of your cities, the thug violence, the burning of black owned businesses, the looting, the destruction of statues and monuments.

    Never mind your idiotic policies.

    If I can’t walk my dog in your burning city or allow my my children outside to play because it’s not safe?

    You’ve already lost. Period.

    It doesn’t matter how good your speech is.

    You democrats can go…. fill in the blanks based on your comfort level with degrees of vulgarity.

  9. This is actually perfect. Two children of white privilege who have had their prosecutions for drug offenses waived speaking on behalf of their father and his VP pick who have thrown hundreds of thousands of people in jail for doing less than they have.

    Don’t think some Democrats don’t know that.

    Hunter is still the conduit for how Biden will enrich himself so he is an essential employee.

  10. @Hans

    The only way Hunter would mount Chelsea is if someone nailed a bag of blow to the back of her head and glued a key of coke on her back.

    Even POS Hunter has some standards….


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