Hunter Biden whines his money is ‘all gone,’ seeks dad’s help in newly revealed texts: ‘Can’t pay alimony’ – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden whines his money is ‘all gone,’ seeks dad’s help in newly revealed texts: ‘Can’t pay alimony’

NY Post: Hunter Biden told his uncle James in December 2018 that he had run out of money and needed financial assistance from his father, according to new text messages revealed in IRS whistleblower documents.

The now-first son told James Biden that the millions of dollars he’d scored from his business deals abroad was “all gone” and he could no longer afford school tuition for his three daughters or even basic living expenses.

“I can work when I’m in NYC all day every day for the next 3 months,” Hunter said in the Dec. 29, 2018, message to his uncle.

“But I can’t pay alimony w/o Dad or tuitions or for food and gas. Really it’s all gone.”

“I can go make it up in 15/20 days I’m sure, but he’s basically made it clear that he’s not paying alimony b/c Mom made clear that she won’t do it,” he added. more here

20 Comments on Hunter Biden whines his money is ‘all gone,’ seeks dad’s help in newly revealed texts: ‘Can’t pay alimony’

  1. ‘Oh, yea! And whacha going to do about it?? Huh? Huh? Get outta my face!’

    I’m not sure where that came from, but that phrase rings loudly any time a demoncrat or repukelican gets caught!

    They make the laws; they exempt themselves; and when they are caught, “Whacha gonna do about it? Get out of my face.”

    Complete with the raspberry salute.

    Have we had enough? Guess not. Where is that Convention of States?

  2. “Our Constitution provided ways for us to STOP it legally, without violence.”

    Which Constitution is that?
    The one the DOJ and the FBI and the Supreme Court and Congress and the White Hut wipe their asses with?
    THAT Constitution?

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The Meat-grinder (Ukraine War), will need to continue. We have over 400,000 dead so the the scumbag POTUS can enrich himself and pay his son’s alimony and Cocaine/Hooker bill.

  4. I guess all those millions they made went up Humper’s nose, between his legs, while Dad and the uncle lived high on the hog. They sold our country to the commies, yet we allow them to breathe.

  5. Big Guy, I hate it when I spent $Hundreds of thousands for crack, cocaine, high end prostitutes elite Hotels, refuse to pay alimony for my children and former wife to live, as well, as my dead brother’s wife I’ve been screwing.
    IT’s gotten so bad, I buy drugs off the street and I pay low end street whores who meet me at seedy Motels. Pls help. Hunter

  6. This type stuff goes on daily among most all politicians. It may not be foreign countries and such glaring examples of treason, but it’s large corporations or mega wealthy donors. Congress doesn’t represent the American people. They represent themselves. The Bidens have shined a light on just how deep this corruption can go. It’s just a business to them. Americans have no recourse as every department and branch of government is involved. They won’t betray the others. Any committee / investigation is just kabuki for the masses. Until Americans demand better, through any means necessary, this will go on and get worse. A few are destroying the country and its citizens. It cannot go on much longer as complete tyranny and collapse are imminent.

  7. There isn’t a single individual who cast ANY legitimate vote for ANY Democrat since 2019 that isn’t just fine with what the Bidens we’re doing. Not one. The masks are off and they know what they are voting for

  8. Boo fuckety hoo, Hunter. If I ever happen to see you on a street corner wearing your sandwich board saying “Will work for hookers & blow & 10% for the big guy”, I’ll be sure to piss in your cup.

  9. In a surprising twist, Hunter Biden, facing financial woes, reached out to his father in desperate text messages, lamenting his depleted funds and inability to pay alimony. Struggling, he sought assistance. Curiously, he stumbled upon ICOholder, a platform connecting investors with ongoing Finding hope, he delved into cryptocurrency investments, hoping to turn his fortune around. Little did he know, this digital venture would reshape his financial destiny.

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