Hunter Biden’s business partner helped move 1,850 boxes of documents from Biden’s VP office – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden’s business partner helped move 1,850 boxes of documents from Biden’s VP office

The move was completed on June 6, 2012, with the university noting that “more than 1,850 boxes of archival records from the President’s Senate career arrived at the Library” that day. MORE

12 Comments on Hunter Biden’s business partner helped move 1,850 boxes of documents from Biden’s VP office

  1. The Democrats and establishment Republicans are just fine with this.

    Navy sailor jailed for submarine photos: Hillary Clinton committed more serious acts
    ht tps://

    This kind of shit would not always shake out to the advantage of the perpetrators and would not be happening if the Republican establishment wasn’t just hunky dory with it.

    That is the only lesson that is to be learned by this, yet it will be lost on the Goddamned idiots who listen to the establishment Republican rhetoric and think they oppose the progressive agenda.

    The Democrats make no bones about supporting this kind of shit, the Republican voters who support the Bush wing of the Republican Party need to wake up and smell the coffee.

  2. I suspect Jackass Joe just moused away stuff like any rodent would do, not knowing if there was any value to them, and like any rodent with the IQ of a soap bubble, he has no idea what is in any of those boxes!

  3. This isn’t about Hunter Biden but about how his father channeled information to the communist chinese and other rogue countries for money. All Hunter roads leads to the known liar and dirty Joe Biden who will gladly throw his crack smoking son under the bus to save his own cryptkeeping skin.


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