Hunter’s case is worse than you imagined – IOTW Report

Hunter’s case is worse than you imagined

Revolver– If you thought the Hunter Biden case couldn’t get more shocking and disturbing, prepare to be proven wrong. Like all matters involving the Biden Boys, the more you dig, the more ugly surprises you uncover. The recent tax and gun case against Hunter Biden is a prime example of this. What initially seemed like a sweetheart deal was just the tip of the iceberg. And if the Bidens thought public outrage was bad before, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet. We are just beginning to understand the lengths to which Biden’s Department of Justice was planning to go to in order to protect the First Family’s crimes.

According to two reports, one from The New York Times and the other from Politico, the Biden DOJ was so determined to end this nightmare for Joe and Hunter that they were planning to drop all charges and let him walk away scot-free. What stopped this from happening? The answer lies with the brave IRS whistleblowers who unveiled the extent of Hunter’s evil deeds. These same whistleblowers, who courageously revealed the truth about Hunter, now find themselves targeted by the Biden DOJ. All of a sudden, the concept of “whistleblower protection,” which was paraded around during the Trump era, seems to have vanished. Now, they want to imprison whistleblowers. more

13 Comments on Hunter’s case is worse than you imagined

  1. Who really gives a sh!t anymore, most of the politicians are corrupt and all democrats are evil. Yet still the public votes these folks in. So those people weaponize the government agencies, arrest the innocent, steal the vote and turn a complete blind eye to the corruption. And NO, Hunter’s case is not worse than I imagined.

  2. oh I am sure that McConnel and McCarthy will immediately put an end to this and let the American Public know what is going on…..or they might just ignore it like all the other crimes so as no to upset the Country….

    Time for a 3rd Party

  3. “And if the Bidens thought public outrage was bad before, they ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

    This is where our side gets it wrong every time. “The Public”, those culturally driven low information “where’s my free shit” group of voters, those that really do sway elections, they don’t care.

    First off, the MSM/social media won’t cover it (will censor any stories that mention it) so “The Public” will be kept in the dark. And even if bits somehow find their way to their feeds, Orange Man Bad takes precedence.

    Sam Harris, the soon to be in Hell atheist that somehow has influence with these dopes, already declared as much with his infamous podcast leak where he said the quiet out loud, that it does not matter what the FBI found on that laptop, there could be kiddie porn on there, doesn’t matter, the FBI acted properly in censoring all Biden malfeasance because Trump winning was a bridge too far.

  4. Not something the voters care about?
    More like not something other politicians care about.
    They’re probably doing the same and/ or don’t have the cajones to do anything.

  5. It all makes sense now. Those two Trump impeachments and those indictments de semaine is so when justice starts to flower again, the Dems will try to portray it as retribution.

  6. “Truth is the first casualty of War.”
    (dead white dude)

    The simple fact that not a single instance of “truth” (fact) has been disseminated by ANY agency of our government for over a generation should awaken us to the fact that “our” government is waging War against us.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. It’s a racket and the establishment Republicans were cashing in on it and have every intention of perpetuating the grift. That is the long and short of their interest in it. It is also why they have been just as invested in getting Trump out of the way as the Democrats.

  8. Any competent red state leadership needs to be drawing up an exit strategy, because assholes in DC are clearly looting the place dry while they fiat currency still has value. The democrats are pushing Cloward-Piven strategies because they think they’re gonna take the whole country over when it falls apart. Fuck that.


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