Hurricane Harvey: Donald Trump unlocks federal funds and resources – IOTW Report

Hurricane Harvey: Donald Trump unlocks federal funds and resources

National Hurricane Center




26 Comments on Hurricane Harvey: Donald Trump unlocks federal funds and resources

  1. Harvey – White Guy Name, Yes Our First Truly Racist Hurricane !
    White People Live In The Path, And Only a Few Will Die… Because There’s No Black’s To Target, Everyone Know White People Hurricane Be Aimin For The Brothers ! It’s a Fact They Always Be Gettin Us !!!

  2. As the MSM readies itself to unload on Trump for any missteps here, remember who flew in to the disaster zone on Trump One and delivered care packages during Obama’s watch.

    As painful as it is, never forget about that jug-eared moron we suffered with for what seemed to be an eternity.

  3. Donald Trump has signed a disaster proclamation at the request of the governor of Texas, Greg Abbott. This will release federal disaster response funds and resources. Abbott has already declared a state of disaster in 30 counties to speed up deployment of state resources.

    The mayor of the town of Rockport, where the storm hit, has urged residents who chose to stay to write their social security numbers on their arms to make it easier for rescuers to identify them.


    Oh and did you see the other update at the link below those comments? Some stores are price gouging. $7 per bottle of water. What assholetry!

  4. I’m down here inland of the Cat 4 Swastika cornholing Texas. Corpus, Rockport, Nueces and Wilson counties are getting scoured. There will be drama. Some of us will die.

    Should have sandbagged the grocery stores with commies, but you know, there’s the law and shit.

  5. If you live on a storm coast, it is not hard to remain prepped year around for something like this. You just have to plan.

    We cycle through about a 14 case inventory of water bottles continuously. Cases of MRE are the easiest, canned goods, and powdered milk. You know how far you can go with a butane stove, rice, and canned corn beef hash?

    When we are no shit seeing something less than five days out, you phucking prep for it, you don’t cross your fingers. You fill your tanks and batten down the hatches.

    I’ve now a LPG generator. Less maintenance than a gasoline one, and I can keep it in my house so it sees no weather. I just fricking wheel it out after the storm and plug it into the house and light it up. We use ductless split a/c out here, so a seven thousand watt generator will cool either upstairs or downstairs, lights, and a fridge for an extended power loss. That includes tv/video for a bored kid. We also acquired battery powered d/c 10″ fans for cooling at night on an extended power loss so we don’t waste propane.

    Our last pass by was typhoon Dolphin which split the Rota Channel with Saipan. We only saw 100 knot winds, lost power for about 30 hours and it just made a weekend miserable. But we were prepped for it.


  6. “Aaron Burr : I Just Hit Slow Motion On My TV, And You Are Correct Senior When It’s Spinning You Can’t Tell That The Circle is Really A Swastica !!!”

    Don’t you get it By now? Aaron Burr is an Alien Hit Man. You fools.

  7. It seems obvious, the Trump-Hitler has re-discovered the Bush-Hitler’s secret weather machines! Ohh lord Obama, He who quelled the ocean’s fury and healed mother Gia for 9 long years, save us!

  8. I see that this storm took nearly the same path of storms that wiped out the town of Indianola, on the coast.

    Indianola was, back in the day, competing with Galveston to be the major sea port of the area.

    Of course, Galveston was similarly devastated in 1900.. Horrible..

    Afterwards they built a seawall that remains to this day.. AND they raised most of the town in a HUGE undertaking. Talk about determination..

    I have located and visited the small granite marker that remains on the beach to the memory of Indianola. Could really feel a sense, a little at least of how devastating it must have been to see everything wiped out..

    I’m not sure but I think I read that when the survivors had finally had enough of mother nature’s fury, some of the building wood or what have you was hauled to Victoria and re-constructed there.

    Life was incredibly harsh along the coast even just ~ 150 yeara ago.,_Texas

  9. Harvey was a CAT 4 like I am the king of England. Actually, I wish I was the king of England. I’d throw the muzzies out.

    But I digress….. they flew a plane thru the storm and made some fancy calculations that ESTIMATED ground speed wind OVER THE OCEAN to be 130……1 MPH over CAT 3. This is how they declared CAT 4.

    And they seemed to have forgotten their own rules. They were using wind GUSTS as SUSTAINED WINDS to determine wind speed.
    So, last I saw yesterday, as THE EYE WALL came ashore, in ONE LOCATION there was a GUST to 103. SUSTAINED winds were 80 in the WORST LOCATION. This is barely CAT 1.

    So let’s review:

    In the warped, sick, twisted pea brain of eco psycho leftie loons:

    1. Communism is heaven, except without that terrible God stuff.
    2. Americans don’t agree.
    3. Must. Make Them. Believe.
    4. Enter Climate Krishna, the true church.
    5. OOPS. Not warmer/stormier/droughtier/floodier/scarier
    6. Facts Just need a little help.
    7. Presto! New data everywhere! Crisis Crisis Crisis!
    8. Russia Russia Russia! Marsha Marsha Marsha!… okay, maybe getting off track…

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