Hurricane Trick – A Cup of Frozen Water and a Quarter – IOTW Report

Hurricane Trick – A Cup of Frozen Water and a Quarter

For those of you that are evacuating from the coast, I just heard a great tip. It’s called the one cup tip. This may save yourself from serious illness or death.

You put a cup of water in your freezer. Freeze it solid and then


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21 Comments on Hurricane Trick – A Cup of Frozen Water and a Quarter

  1. There are still tin sheds and light wooden structures here. There’s nothing left after a storm.

    The rest of us live in bomb shelters. I just wheel my generator out on my 2nd floor lanai and fire up the lpg eater.

  2. Kind of off topic:

    We all know that these storms are made up of a rising column of intense humid low pressure that rotates counter-clockwise as it rises.

    Seems to me that these things can be destroyed by creating HIGH PRESSURE within the nucleus of the storm by dropping FAE or MOAB explosive devices somewhere within the eye of these storms – enough to disrupt the organizational weather pattern. What we really need is something as powerful as a nuke without the radiation fallout, and I don’t know if there is such a thing.

    Better yet, do this while the storm is in early formation stages.

    Does my concept sound plausible?

    The same idea could apply to tornadoes.

  3. That’s a good trick. You can also freeze a half full water bottle on its side. When it’s solid, stand it upright. If either liquid water (obviously) or ice end up in the bottom, you know power was disrupted.

  4. Not for evacuation, but several days before Sandy I got a couple of boxes, lined them with kitchen garbage bags and froze them to create huge ice blocks. I placed them on the top shelf of my freezer and refrigerator to create an old fashioned ice box to hold food fresh longer during our seven day outage.

  5. That’s a great idea. Simple and effective.

    I have friends who have vacation properties that are vacant for long periods and have always wondered how they would know if they had an outage in their absence.

    I didn’t eat much when I visited.

  6. The ideal freezer temperature is 0 Fahrenheit (-18 Celsius) for all food storage. And -10 Fahrenheit (-23 Celsius) is recommended to quickly freeze food.
    For every five degrees Fahrenheit above zero, the recommended storage time is cut in half.
    Food stored above 0 Fahrenheit loses more nutrients and loses quality faster than properly frozen food.

    While we’re talking about food safety and temps let’s talk about the ideal refrigerator temperature, 35-40 F (1.8-4 C). This range slows the growth of bacteria without risk of freezing foods.

  7. @Meerkat Brzezinski: Empty (washed clean) plastic milk jugs filled with water and frozen work as well, and are easier to fit in smaller spaces. When the ice melts, you have drinking water.

    @Pushy Galore: But off for how long? That’s what the quarter trick will tell you (approximately).

  8. I put four ice cubes in a zip lock bag and back in the freezer.
    If they are melted together and frozen into one piece of ice then you know what to do.
    Same thing, different method.

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