Hurricane Willa Approaches Mexico – IOTW Report

Hurricane Willa Approaches Mexico

Hurricane Willa, now a Category 4 storm, threatens Mexico’s Pacific coast.

CBS: Hurricane Willa, a potentially catastrophic storm, swept toward Mexico’s Pacific coast with winds of 155 mph, the National Hurricane Center said Monday. Forecasters expect the Category 4 storm to make landfall along Mexico’s southwestern coast Tuesday afternoon or evening.

Willa is an “extremely dangerous storm” that is expected to bring life-threatening storm surge, wind and rainfall over west-central and southwestern Mexico, the hurricane center. After it briefly strengthened to a Category 5 storm, it weakened slightly Monday afternoon.



SNIP: Will the hurricane cross the illegal alien caravan’s path?

12 Comments on Hurricane Willa Approaches Mexico

  1. Wash out the roads so the only way to continue is on foot. For real instead of the photo ops before the trucks and buses show up to transport them to the next photo op.

    Here is my prediction for the border confrontation. The women and children human shields will be put up at the front line for the NPC media. Mixed among the people will be the armed agitators, who will fire on the soldiers in hope of retaliation that gets many women and children killed. With the NPC media filming every bit of it. That’s how evil these planners are, all for regaining power.

    I’m sure Trump and his planners will see this option and have a proper counter measure for it that will make him look great and make the Dems look like asshats again. Then have Congress sign a bill saying no more aide to the countries that abided with this for the next 50 years. Let them grovel to China to prop them up.

  2. We need a “caravan” tracker overlay on top of the storm tracker.

    Now the “caravan” has reportedly swollen to 14,000 and has become a lawless, feral army of foragers. It has outgrown its original controllers and suppliers, and it is creating ill will among its hosts. I hope the illegal army ends up stranded in the mud in the middle of Mexico, hungry, wet and cold, until December.

    Have you noticed how the Dems think that adding more people to their political stunts means added credibility, when in fact, means the exact opposite?

  3. Well let’s see. The caravan just crossed Mexico’s southern border a couple of days ago and is on foot. The storm track is far, far north of there. So they shouldn’t get wet – unless someone is putting them on buses. Who would do such a thing???


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