Husband Forces His Wife to Walk Naked in Public – IOTW Report

Husband Forces His Wife to Walk Naked in Public

 After Discovering Sexts to Another Man.

The New York man caught the woman (allegedly) sending sexually explicit photos and texts to some other dude. That’s when he forced her to make the walk of shame.

SNIP: Was it punishment? Or are they just both freaks?
Yes, there’s video.  (Video was removed. Opposing Views has screen captures as verification that the video did exist.)

19 Comments on Husband Forces His Wife to Walk Naked in Public

  1. Well, I guess if you’re so insecure that you think your old lady will leave you simply because of sex you deserve the ridicule this ass hat deserves. If the marriage is only about sex it isn’t much to start with.

    With luck she’s already lined up a really good divorce lawyer to leave his pathetic, childish ass naked when she walks away for good.

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