Hypnotizing the World: Omar Has Ties to Radical Anti-Israel, Anti-American Group – IOTW Report

Hypnotizing the World: Omar Has Ties to Radical Anti-Israel, Anti-American Group

WFB: Rep. Ilhan Omar (D., Minn.) has ties to a group that includes numerous radical anti-American and anti-Israel activists on its board of directors.

Notes of support posted to the controversial congresswoman’s door include a message from the organization Witness for Peace. “Keep up the good work!” the note reads, signed, “Witness for Peace Columbia Team :).”

The note appeared the same week Omar attacked Elliott Abrams, a Jewish-American and longtime diplomat who served in the Reagan and Bush administrations. Abrams is now the U.S. Special Representative for Venezuela. Omar has sided with the socialist government in Venezuela, accusing the Trump administration of leading a “U.S.-backed coup” against Nicolas Maduro.

Witness for Peace got its start fighting the Reagan administration’s anti-communist policies during the Cold War, specifically the group opposed funding the Contras in Nicaragua. Abrams, who Omar called “Mr. Adams,” pleaded guilty to misdemeanors for withholding information from Congress during the Iran-Contra scandal, and was later pardoned.  read more

11 Comments on Hypnotizing the World: Omar Has Ties to Radical Anti-Israel, Anti-American Group

  1. For some reason, this woman may be the next Muzzie suicide bomber. She has the clearance to the halls of Congress and other government venues. Do Congress people get scanned like ordinary folks do ?

    Also, her tiny pin-head bothers me — tiny head… tiny brain ?

  2. Somalians have an average IQ of 70.
    33 % of them are bat shit crazy…
    Yea,, we need more of them.
    They will attack a Russian war ship
    with a skiff.{funny vids btw}

  3. What’s wrong with this bitch is what’s wrong with America. Namely, letting people come here who don’t want to assimilate or even like us.

    They shop for benefits and we’re handing out upper class lifestyles for free compared to their shitholes. It’s like hitting the lottery and they resent us for having it to give.

    Like an ungrateful grandchild waiting for you to die so they can get an inheritance. We could really speed this up if we pushed grandpa down the steps.

  4. Saxindacity:

    The people who voted for her live within carefully drawn districts constructed by Dims. The somali district and its hateful muzzies, imams and mosques.

    Redistricting is important.


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