Hypocrisy Alert: Fauxcahontas Opposes DeVos Over Policies She Supported – IOTW Report

Hypocrisy Alert: Fauxcahontas Opposes DeVos Over Policies She Supported

AmericaRising: Today Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) announced that she would vote against Education Secretary nominee Betsy DeVos. Since Warren received a ferocious backlash after she voted for Ben Carson, this is not a surprising announcement. Yet it still once again brings up how much of a hypocrite Warren is.

In her statement, Warren attacks DeVos’ school choice position, yet fails to acknowledge that she was long a supporter of many of the same policies:


16 Comments on Hypocrisy Alert: Fauxcahontas Opposes DeVos Over Policies She Supported

  1. If you’re not a hypocrite, there isn’t much sense in being a Demonrat.
    The Republicans accept petty thieves and the Libertarians take in retards – and ALL of em accept liars.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Senators should be required to show up for panels sober. From her side: Fauxcahontas does not want to be confused by fact, reason, or other spurious argumentation used by her opponents.

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