Hypocritical Hollywood Hides from Hunter – IOTW Report

Hypocritical Hollywood Hides from Hunter

Quick to condemn for lesser offenses, the woke left grants First son pass for the n-word.

CA Global:

We live in a culture in which texting racist things is more abominable than impregnating the widow of your dead brother or having a crack addiction that leads to leaked videos of questionable sexual actions with Chinese prostitutes. However, some people are safe from repercussions from all of the above. Just ask Hunter Biden.

On Tuesday, text messages were unearthed revealing the President’s son using racist verbiage as he communicated with his white attorney George Messires. One cannot fail to notice the deafening silence from the woke Hollywood elite. The same people who would have gleefully (and rightly) excoriated Donald Trump Jr. if he had ever made such remarks are blissfully unaware that the “smartest man” President Joe Biden has ever met, his son, has been caught using that ugliest of racial epithets. In calling his attorney “N****” and making a vague but pointed reference to “Hennessy rates” and suffering zero consequences, Hunter seems to be enjoying an extra special dose of “White Privilege.”

Bear in mind the way lesser mortals have witnessed the cancellation of their hard-won careers over similar offenses. When country music star Morgan Wallen was filmed using precisely the same slur while out with friends in February, his label instantly dropped him and radio stations across the nation banned him from their airwaves, as did the Billboard Music Awards. Race car driver Kyle Larson was suspended indefinitely from NASCAR and lost all sponsors when the same ugly word squirted out during a virtual race last April.

If there was ever an example of a system that protected a racist, the First Son of the United States not being held accountable surely qualifies. Perhaps his time at Burisma gave him a special status to say what he wants without recourse. Maybe it’s the fact that he is insulated by an activist media that protects progressives while serving as a bullhorn for the DNC. more

10 Comments on Hypocritical Hollywood Hides from Hunter

  1. This is just another example of how progressive totalitarian law works – both codified and in social norms – “rules for thee, but not for me.”

  2. Democrat privilege. It’d why Joe can be a pedophile and eulogize a KKK Grand Wizard and what Hunter can screw hookers, get a gun illegally, abandon his love child, and use the “n”-word with impunity. It’d why Hillary can delete evidence and Comey can leak notes and no one is ever prosecuted.

  3. No doubt that among the left Hunter has a devoted following. If for no other reason than that he sticks a finger in the eye of decency and escapes any accountability. Among the scum he’s viewed as a free spirit and a model for behavior they endorse.
    They’re all still solidly behind him though temporarily silent.

  4. Although Hunter Biden has not reached their level of committing cruel torture and heinous murder (yet), he reminds me of Saddam Hussein’s two sons, Uday and the other one.

    He expects and gets special treatment from the media and entertainment industries. He’ll get his someday.

  5. The establishment is fake through and through. Hollywood is part of the establishment.

    Side note:
    Read the National Archives. In hand writing personal experiences from women in the south, Your proud Yankee soldiers, while looting, would refer to blacks as niggers. All of the writings that I read from these southern women who wrote their experiences refereed to blacks as negro consistently..

    The establishment has always used blacks to gain power.

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