Hysterical Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to “Go to Hell” – IOTW Report

Hysterical Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to “Go to Hell”

Bongino.com: Former DNC chair Donna Brazile appeared on Fox News earlier this morning to discuss today’s Super Tuesday elections, and quickly lost her temper in the face of mild criticism.

It came after America’s Newsroom hosts Sandra Smith and Ed Henry played a pre-recorded clip from RNC chair Ronna McDaniel, who said that it’s likely Democrats will have a brokered convention that would be rigged against Bernie Sanders. Both Elizabeth Warren and Michael Bloomberg have said they’re banking on a brokered convention, so this is hardly a debatable point.

36 Comments on Hysterical Donna Brazile Tells RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to “Go to Hell”

  1. What you put into the world is what returns to you.

    That includes, probably more than anything else, the curses you cast on others.

    And telling someone to “go to hell” is most certainly the casting of a curse.

    Feel sorry for this woman, she knows not what she is doing.

  2. @Kcir – It’s my belief that the commie propaganda media hire and keep people like her simply to poke decent people in the eyeball – because it gives them some kind of satisfaction to do so. Plus, people like her will say whatever they are told without any kind of shame or conscience.

  3. Brazile literally fixed the last primary season for Hillary. Does she think the entire country has Alzheimers? Someone throw her a bunch of bananas to calm the fuck down before she starts charging.

  4. That’s why they have moats around the cages at the zoo. gorilla cookies!

    But the way, Bobo Brazile, do we have to dig up all the films of the DNC-run American Media telling Republicans what to do during the ENTIRE 2016 POTUS election?!!?
    And stick that “Russian” talking points BS back into Hillary’s server. You remember, the one she ‘wiped’ after every hack in the WORLD read classified documents, Chelsea’s wedding plans, and HRC’s plans to go bowling. You dirty felonious ape!

  5. Remember the old days, the ‘gentler’ days, when all republicans did what they were told, that is sit quietly in their own warm, wet drawers and not say boo?

    I don’t miss those days one bit. It’s enjoyable to watch revealed democrats look frantic and stupid.

  6. She is trying her best to do her Trump impersonation by being a tough talking, no nonsense political beast. Only Trump can do Trump, she just comes off as a bitter, vulgar political hack with no class and truly panicking about the state of the democrat party.

  7. I wish as she continued her non-qualified self-righteous cursing, the host said, “Why don’t you go to the unemployment line? Buh bye.” And it happens. Wishing on candle, right?

  8. Brazilla never did offer a counter narrative to Dem contested convention or provide any assurance that the leadership is in anyway capable of handling it when it occurs.

  9. Bernie Bots will burn it all down if he gets the shaft again. On the other hand, Bernie is in the catbird seat for negotiating a big bribe/payoff from the DNC. I’d say it is worth no less than, say…$5 million dollars. Of course if he gets that much he better move out of the country to somewhere in South America, like Peru. Otherwise his jilted supporters will hunt him down. But who knows, Joe Biden might be in a Ukraine prison by then.

  10. Democratic process, my ass! How about those Super-Delegates, Bobo, who swoop in when the regular delegates don’t nominate the “correct” candidate? Save your self-righteous indignation, as the entire process is a recipe for cheating.

  11. It’s pretty funny watching Democrats like Brazille try to emulate POTUS Trump. The main problem for them in trying to pull that off, is that they aren’t even a little bit funny. No, they’re mean, nasty, dishonest people. What makes Trump’s use of cuss words funny is that he’s usually smiling or mocking himself, and he catches everyone off guard with them. Then he says something like, “The pastors aren’t going to like that. They’ll say, ‘Sir, you shouldn’t talk like that!'”

    And by what divine right does Brazille have to tell anyone to keep their nose out of the Democrat’s business, anyway?

  12. They’ve shown they can’t even run an honest campaign in their own party; what the fuck else has she to say or do but insult the people pointing that out?
    Reminds me of the shit-throwing Gorilla at the SD Zoo.

  13. Is she supposed to be smaht? Can’t even speak English She couldn’t say ….ING if there were a spear to her head. Sum’in, go’in, ly’in, talk’in…. Donna, go take an effING speech class and a handful of Prozac.


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