“I am not a political person, but I want people to know what Kamala Harris did to me.” – IOTW Report

“I am not a political person, but I want people to know what Kamala Harris did to me.”

Watch: ArrestedByKamala.com – Cheree Peoples and daughter Shayla tell the story of how Kamala Harris’s policy as California Attorney General to arrest parents for “truancy” destroyed their lives and the lives of many other single minority women as well. Shayla suffered from a debilitating chronic illness, Sickle Cell Anemia.

8 Comments on “I am not a political person, but I want people to know what Kamala Harris did to me.”

  1. I totally forgot about that little episode of Cali history. Ethnic groups were pissed. And Kami’s motivation wasn’t about educating the little hoodrats. California school system, like every other school system, get money from the feds based on attendance. Cali needed more money. Again.

  2. Thank you for posting. This woman’s story needs to be told. I just sent it to the person that most frustrates me due to her voting record. My mother! She is honest, kind, generous, gracious and gullible! Votes with her heart and really believes that the D’s are for the poor and downtrodden.
    Praying for a miracle for her lovely daughter.

  3. Apologies here. I was getting so pissed, watching the testimonial that I thought it might be harmful to my own sanity, so in a fit of self preservation, I turned it off. I’m happy the charges were dropped. I pray her daughter is Okay. Kowmwlla, what a bitch

  4. And, as Tulsi expertly pointed out in the 2016 debates, Kamala locked up over 1900 drug offenders during her tenure in SF, most of these for simple possession. This also adversely effected the black community.

  5. I’m so glad someone else saw this on X and posted it. I tried to look this situation up online to verify, but I couldn’t find it. I bet it has been scrubbed from the internet. But what a sad story. Kamala has bragged about bankrupting people as they try to defend themselves in court. This story proves it! What a malevolent bitch, Kamala is.


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