‘I Am Not Gay, I Am a Man, That’s It:’ Dolce & Gabbana Designer Rejects ‘Absurd’ Labels – IOTW Report

‘I Am Not Gay, I Am a Man, That’s It:’ Dolce & Gabbana Designer Rejects ‘Absurd’ Labels

BIG HOLLYWOOD: Dolce & Gabbana designer Stefano Gabbana is defying labels, declaring that first and foremost he is a man, saying “I am not gay, I am a man. That’s it.”

Gabbana — one of First Lady Melania Trump’s favorite fashion designers and occasional couturier — says he is tired of being referred to as “gay” and would rather be deemed simply “a man,” as all other men are called.

“I’m just surprised at how, still to this day, people call me gay,” Gabbana told Corriere in an exclusive interview. “But why ‘gay’ in reality, I am a man. Why should we define men? I’m biologically a man, in the sense that I am a male or like a woman. At my place they could call her ‘gay’ but if she’s a woman she is a female.”

“The word ‘gay’ is just a word, an invented word that is used to identify people,” Gabbana continued. “But I don’t want to be identified or classified based on my sexual choice. Homosexuality has always existed, it’s not new. I am not gay, I am a man. That’s it.”

A lot more, here

25 Comments on ‘I Am Not Gay, I Am a Man, That’s It:’ Dolce & Gabbana Designer Rejects ‘Absurd’ Labels

  1. So first we were all supposed to applaud those who felt comfortable exclaiming their sexual preference to the world, and now we’re supposed to just forget about it, because coming out isn’t avant garde anymore, but just boring?

    Never did call ya’ gay, you’ve always just been queer in every sense of the word, IMO.

    P.S. you might want to tell the LBGT(and all the other letters of the alphabet that apply) club to quit labeling themselves and you though….

  2. Transgender attacks in 3…2…1… *crickets*

    Sorry, faggot, your crowd ran with the identity cr*p too long; it’s your albatross to wear, for better or worse. But, look on the bright side: maybe you can wear it on your butt plug.

    Oh, the pendulum swing (“backlash”) on all this degeneracy is gonna be FUN!


    They had the option to “gayflake” all over the place, but they stood up for themselves, and decided to dress Melania Trump. They knew very well the rock-dwellers would slither out, hiss and spit venom at them, but they didn’t put up with it.

    🔸 They are not idiots. 🔸
    They have a HOT-AS-BALLS 1st Lady tailor-made for the world stage, with glitz and glamour written all over her. A body to show off their goods. And they are going to say, “no?”
    They aren’t crazy, they jumped all over that opportunity, while SJWs took their ball and went home. You dress the 1st Lady, that’s forever man. Those photographs live on in infamy. That buzz echoes through world media and back again many times over.

    Smart move.

  4. I do not hate or despise faggots. I hate and despise communists that use maladjusted homos, gender dysphorics, gender identity disorder sufferers and flaming nutbags like a shit-smeared dildo, bashing everything decent and good into disgusted silence.

    Good for you Mr Gabbana in just being a normal homo.

  5. I am a Christian, a sinner saved by grace. If Gabanna makes it to heaven as a sinner saved by the same Saviour I am happy to be blessed along side him. Sin is sin. He does not proclaim his sexuality as so many others seem so proud to do, whether hetero or homo, and he dresses the FLOTUS like a dream. In a world where this has brought him much disdain. He is a brave designer in the year of the perverts in all walks of sexual depravity. To God sin is sin. Harvey and his ilk are pigs. Dolce and Gabanna are designers of great beauty. So they are sinners too. Hopefully they will repent, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and join Him in Eternity. At least I hope so.

  6. Can’t remember the guy’s name, but at a speech at some University he stated: “I am not a gay (homosexual) playwright, but a playwright who happens to be gay (homosexual).”

    He was booed off the stage, if memory serves (and that’s asking a lot, lately).

    izlamo delenda est …

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