“I Am Officially Joining The Republican Party”- Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones Announces He Is Leaving The Party – IOTW Report

“I Am Officially Joining The Republican Party”- Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones Announces He Is Leaving The Party

“Moments ago, I announced that I am officially joining the Republican Party. Now more than ever, the Republican Party is in desperate need of leaders that know how to fight. I know how to fight.”

21 Comments on “I Am Officially Joining The Republican Party”- Georgia Democrat Vernon Jones Announces He Is Leaving The Party

  1. “Now more than ever, the Republican Party is in desperate need of leaders that know how to fight.”

    Ain’t that the truth.

    But they do know how to lose and are good at it.

  2. No, we knock the assholes out of the Republican party. Why do you want 3, 4, 5 more parties? To be Europe??? Israel?
    Fuck that shit. You think Egos and infiltrations are bad in the Republican party? Wait til there’s another offshoot.

  3. To quote Oddball: Why don’t you knock it off with them negative waves?

    This is exactly the type of man the Republican Party needs at this time.

    “Now more than ever, the Republican Party is in desperate need of leaders that know how to fight.

    I know how to fight.”

  4. The GOP is too corrupt. So is the democrat party, but that works for its constitents.

    We have to start over, and keep out the roves, mcconnells, etc. The GOP will have no base and will die on the vine. The rino scum will be outted, joining the left.

    We dont want a swamp party or a uniparty.

  5. It’s about time. He should have done this a long time ago.
    BTW, The Republican party leadership has been infiltrated by progressive elitist socialists, but that doesn’t mean throw the baby out with the bath water,
    The Republican ideology still stands – it just needs to be upheld by people who know the truth. There is a new breed of congressional members who understand this and are fighting for the integrity of th Republican party and the Republic.

  6. @PHenry

    The votes will get split with a new party and the result will be 12 to 20 years of Demo Filth.

    Your best bet is to Turf RINO’s, pull support from Soft republicans and generally Flush the toilet with McShitstains, Romney’s, & those Soft Khunts McConell & Grahm. (like those last 2 have not seen the wrong side of a Penis up close)


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