I bet he’s thinking about other women – IOTW Report

I bet he’s thinking about other women

6 Comments on I bet he’s thinking about other women

  1. Speaking of Biden, I can’t wait to see what Rodham Clinton has to offer in the mental health arena as she increases her exposure in 2020. Talk about a freakin’ clown car, it just keeps getting better.

  2. Come on man, I’m pretty sure those two haven’t been in the same bed for years. They can’t stand each other. It’s all about themselves and they both hire out.

  3. BC probably thinks about the wisdom of Winston Churchill.

    Lady Someting-or-other ( I don’t recall her name) at a dinner party once said to Winston, ” if you were my husband I’d put poison in your tea.” Prompting Winston to reply, “If you were my wife I’d drink it.”


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