“I can’t breathe” screamed over and over again and can be heard for hundreds of feet – IOTW Report

“I can’t breathe” screamed over and over again and can be heard for hundreds of feet

A 15 year-old, whose mother called the police after she exited their car in the middle of the road, punched and kicked a police officer who was trying to detain the emotionally distraught girl. Sorry, folks, this is a crime, and she was taken down in order to be cuffed. She screams like a pipe organ that “she can’t breathe” (a tribute, I guess, to Eric Garner) and all of this is being recorded by the 21st century Abraham Zapruder. He and his companion narrate his epic video in hushed and incredulous tones, as if they are witnessing the My Lai massacre.

Listen, stupids, you know as well as I do that if the police just let her go and she turned up dead later that night you’d be yelling about the ineffectual, stupid police and hoping the mother sued Mesa Arizona for a kajillion dollars. We get it, you hate the police. You’re Pavlovian response is duly noted, you have canine brains.


What magical powers are the police supposed to possess that will allow them to return a belligerent runaway back to her parents without some sort of restraint?

Is the alternative something you want, the police saying “not my job” when you call to report that your 15 year-old daughter has hopped out of the car?

The Daily Mail’s reporting is atrocious, quoting the videographer who claims another police officer said that they could have shot the girl dead for her actions.




9 Comments on “I can’t breathe” screamed over and over again and can be heard for hundreds of feet

  1. That is disturbing. But back in the old days a kid like that would have had the shit smacked out of them, and if that didn’t work they would have ended up in an insane asylum.

    Of course, I don’t know the whole story. Not picking sides on this one.

  2. Defiant oppositional disorder. Psych hospital might identify the problem. Or maybe it was drugs? Or maybe not enough drugs? PMS? The poor kid has been in distress for awhile if she keeps running away.

    Freeman, yer killin’ me. 😉

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