I don’t even know who she is – IOTW Report

I don’t even know who she is

Sopranos Actor Demands Conservatives Stop Watching His Old Shows.
Salty has the details. (Spicy language included)

21 Comments on I don’t even know who she is

  1. I’ve never seen The Sopranos but I think my sister watches occasionally. Dammit, now I’m gonna have to watch an episode with her just so I can tell this jerk that (a) I’m a MAGA conservative and (b) his show sucks.

  2. “I demand you don’t watch anything I’m in unless you agree with me politically” does not seem like a winning strategy. Maybe this fellow can team up with the Bud Light marketing VP and start their own business venture. Or team up with Kathleen Kennedy and destroy beloved movie franchises.

  3. The episode where the bakery guy lets a friend cut the line and he goes off is still pretty good. The Sopranos would have been just as excellent without him. He and his gal got their just deserts.

  4. Listen you little rat bastid. I told youz to go get your fuckin’ shine box and buff my balls. And when you’re done buffin’ my balls, take your fuckin’ shine box over to your fat ugly mother’s house and buff hers ya little prick!

  5. An obscure actor wants to rule the world, starting with who can watch his show and who are not allowed to watch.

    At least RR had lots of name recognition and leadership experience. And became a great President.


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