“I don’t think Taylor Swift is that swift” – Schlichter – IOTW Report

“I don’t think Taylor Swift is that swift” – Schlichter


Kurt Schlichter of The Rebel.Media reports: Taylor Swift has intervened in the elections and the guy she intervened for is falling behind. Have voters gotten “woke” to the grift that is the celebrity endorsement scam?

15 Comments on “I don’t think Taylor Swift is that swift” – Schlichter

  1. Kurt might come closer to sounding a little more “swift” than Taylor Swift if he knew that Blackburn’s opponent is named Bredesen. Not “Baronson” as he keeps calling him, and Bredesen is currently the governor so it’s not like he doesn’t have name recognition in TN.

    Kurt can be mildly funny for a self-impressed lawyer though.

  2. He’s not the current governor. Bill Haslam is our two-term limited governor. Bredesen is a former governor, Mayor of Nashville and New Jersey born Yankee carpetbagger, as well as a very accomplished liar.

  3. @Anon – I knew that in the back of my mind, but apparently I might not be so swift at times either. I’m still shell shocked by Stacy Abrams being a somewhat legitimate contender for governor here in GA despite owing the IRS $50k and having well over $100k in credit card debt (aside from being a communist). Plus, I been drinkin’ a little tonight so I might not be thinkin’ as well as normal LOL.

    I hope the polls are correct and Blackburn wins by a large margin.

  4. I hasten to add, Bredesen was personally recruited by Chuck Schumer to run for this position, though Phil claims in his latest commercial to ‘not support him’, whatever that means.

  5. @Bubba-No problem. Us Southerners have our hands full will all these bluebellies moving in. It’s hard to recognize Nashville any more. That Abrams looks like a nightmare.

  6. Sadly, I’m guessing that the Ernest Tubb Record Shop isn’t the cultural hub of Nashville anymore. I was there in about the late 90’s and they still had some live music there at times, but the bars playing the old country with a steel guitar other good country musicians seemed to be getting pretty scarce when I was there.

    From what I’ve read lately, it does seem like Nashville is striving to become Detroit south these days (the politicians rather than the “native” people driving it of course). Yet another reason to stop this leftist slime from winning any more power.

  7. Incidentally, at the 2:36 mark, does he say, “It’s not like she’s studied this thing in deaf“?

    Sure sounds like it, and his lip movements seem to match.

    Is he implying Swift is hard of hearing? Inquiring minds want to know.


  8. I know I could look her (Taylor Swift) up, but I don’t care enough.
    Another nihilistic, socialist, pre-programmed, brain-dead “celebrity” air head, I imagine.

    Yada, yada, yada … the background noise of existence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. Taylor used to be such a sunny, sweet girl. My sister was a big fan of hers for the first 5 or so albums.
    SO I saw plenty of interviews, insider videos, the whole schpeel.
    (Poor me because I never liked country pop but oh well. I love my sister.)

    …and then I think that the music industry and dating around finally caught up with her and she just-
    Completely changed.
    Her look, sound, and morals. Became besties with Lena Dunham of all frickin people. It’s really sad, because she really WAS a nice, Christian girl who just wanted to share her songs. :/

  10. Taylor needs to take a tip from the “Dixie Chicks” and shut up and sing. Her opinions on politics are not wanted, needed or required. Entertainers need to do just that, entertain not opine.
    Taylor, you’re not as important as you think you are.

  11. Surprised she has lasted this long not taking sides. Supposed net worth of 320 Million. MMTB (More money than brains) kicked in presenting the usual results. When all the financial needs are no longer worried about, what’s left than delusional influence and control? Ask any Clinton, Pelosi or Waters.


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