“I don’t think they want to find a cure” – IOTW Report

“I don’t think they want to find a cure”

I don’t think they’ll ever find a cure for cancer. I don’t think they want to find a cure”: Roger Daltrey questions Big Pharma as he nears the end of his time at the Teenage Cancer Trust.

35 Comments on “I don’t think they want to find a cure”

  1. Look up “fenbendazole cancer”. The propagandists are treating it just like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine – It’s an animal de-wormer!
    Meanwhile, people all over the world are taking it and getting surprising results.

  2. Trump said: “Let’s make sure that the cure is not worse than the disease”

    The Other Side sez: We’re working hard to make sure the “cure” is worse than anything we’ve ever experienced before!

  3. Western medicine has NEVER been about cures. HEALTH is about prevention, and creating a foundation in which disease cannot thrive. There is NO PROFIT in health. Childhood vaccines alone lay the foundation for lifelong sickness.

  4. …the Democrat doctors, Healthcare CEOs, and Government revolving door “regulators” use it to cure themselves from not being rich and powerful, the only thing they WANT to cure, and they’ve done a bang-up job of THAT…

  5. Cancer is a big money maker for the pharmaceuticals and the medical profession. Everyone has their finger into the insurance money. Case in point, I was referred to a specialist – of all people he’s Persian, had to tell me his college medical background. Holy Moley! Fired his butt on my way out of the office. BTW, saw an article where cancer is on the rise among young people. Doctors are baffled…. I’m not, you brats got every vaccine they could find to give you as a kid. Look into what they shot you up with, the clue lays there.

  6. Harry Eyeball
    THURSDAY, 18 JANUARY 2024, 9:47 AT 9:47 AM
    “Disease X will be proof positive that COVID was intentional.”

    …Coof was the test run so they could see how it spread, how much fear they could instill, and how much control they could exert. It was also deliberately overstated so people won’t believe it when something TRULY lethal is unleashed until it’s far too late.

    That’s where Disease X comes in…

  7. In the ’70’s my cousin, a Johns Hopkins MD, told me the same thing. Researchers make too money off cancer, hope and suffering. When I had cancer I thought the treatment was barbaric. Not much has changed. 20 years ago the first surgery, actually 2 in 1, cost over $200,000. I remember the 2nd surgeon bragging about the cost. Since then I’ve had 10 surgeries for various complications. Much more profitable for the entire medical industry than a one and done cure.

  8. Cmn¢¢guy THURSDAY, 18 JANUARY 2024, 10:47 AT 10:47 AM

    Feral Irishman had a link on that one.
    Projected revenue of 10 Billion a year in treatment.
    Maybe that was covered in your link.

    If you really want to be depressed, the last few days at The Burning Platform will do the job.

  9. Eugenia – Cancer treatments are basically just WW1 toxic mustard gas preparations encapsulated to make them more palatable. Same toxic crap. It is about hopefully killing the cancer cells before killing the patient. Meanwhile, naturopathic cancer alternatives work to create significant HEALTH in the patient in order for the natural immunity functions to clean up the problem. Yeah, big difference.

  10. I just finished two weeks of what I’ve had many times during my lifetime – a cold that turned into bronchitis and at it’s worse, turned into pneumonia (mostly when I was younger). It’s been since the 90s that I had my last bout with it.

    Went to the doctor when I started hacking up phlegm, knowing that wasn’t going to stop without antibiotics. Doctor asked if I wanted a Covid test, I said no, it’s bacterial, not viral. He said ok and gave me Rx for antibiotics that kicked it out of me.

    Why I’m telling you this is because he mentioned that it COULD be viral because that’s been going around the last month or so.

    So, that’s what they have planned. They will treat a bacterial infection as viral and you will die because they will do nothing except put you on a respirator when your lungs fill up so much you can’t breathe.

    If I hadn’t had a lifetime experience with this, I could have been fooled.

  11. And ironically they are OUT of cancer drugs. I had my 3 1/2 year check yesterday. I asked my ENT how bad the shortages are that we’ve been hearing about. He told me it’s probably worse than what we’ve been hearing. He has patients he’s worried that will die before they can start treatment.

  12. Why would they? As it is it kills millions yearly.

    Put it in the same bucket of spit that includes murder diseases from China and their “cures”, abortion, homosexuality, trangenderism, prices going sky high for basic survival items, planned lack of fresh water, dangerous street drugs, and more, all designed to reduce the world’s population down to a manageable 90 million or so. Just to please gorilla rapper Jane Goodall and other tyrants.

    A couple of nuclear wars will also help get rid of the riff-raff, like me and most people I’ve known in my life – those of us who don’t own private jets, yachts, mansions, etc,

  13. @MrLiberty, I was offered chemo by the oncologist and refused it. There mumblings of being in an experimental trial. I told him Hell no as i had enough of hospitals. 20 years later and I am not dead from cancer. The chemo was unnecessary and they knew it. The 10 surgeries addressed problems not covered by chemo.

  14. Eugenia
    THURSDAY, 18 JANUARY 2024, 10:48 AT 10:48 AM
    “In the ’70’s my cousin, a Johns Hopkins MD…”

    …He’d never get in there now, check out what their current boss has to say about hiring practices…


    …the quality of the candidate is apparently subordinate to the skin color, sex, and orientation now, what could possiblah go wrong…

  15. Maybe it’s time to ban World meetings of elected officials and government workers, where the common man has no idea what they’re up to, and just who was invited into their backroom meetings, and burner internet names. It sure won’t be MSM looking out for us.

  16. joe6pak
    Yes, you could not move. The mask is a thermal setting plastic. It starts out as a flat sheet. The lay it on your face and poor hot water on it and wrap it around your head, so you get water boarder to boot. They introduced me to some killer drugs though. LOL

  17. @ Brad. That’s the same mask they make you wear to get thyroid eye disease radiation. Fortunately I never had the eye disease. When I went to Wills Eye Hospital they told me if I needed the radiation and could hold still there would no mask.


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