I don’t think they’re discussing Chaucer on the way to the drive-by – IOTW Report

I don’t think they’re discussing Chaucer on the way to the drive-by

Hardly Any Detroit Public School Students Are Proficient at Math or Reading.

1] Jerome wants to cut his half pound of heroin to make 20% more profit. How many ounces of cut will he need?

2] If the average spray can covers 22 square feet, and the average letter is 3 square feet, how many times can Martinique spray her favorite four-letter word with 5 spray cans?

3] Hector has knocked up 6 out of 27 girls in his gang. What percentage of girls in his gang has Hector knocked up?

11 Comments on I don’t think they’re discussing Chaucer on the way to the drive-by

  1. The cops are three miles behind you in your stolen ride. They be gaining on you by one mile per two minutes. In how many minutes will you need to ditch the bitch and jump the fence?

  2. Your mother is ebony black, your mother says your father is dark as well.
    Using Gregor Mendel’s observations on trait inheritance.
    If you have green eyes, good hair and are bright, what are the chances she is lying?

  3. BTW – Here’s yer Crack babies all growed up. Generations crippled by a drug-addled inner-city.
    It worked so well they brought out Adderal, Ritalin and Common Core to mentally cripple millions in the Suburbs!

  4. it isn’t just Detroit is it?

    try to get the correct change when you hand the local cashier $10.25 for a debt of $9.15 for the purchase after she rings in the $10 and you hand them the $.25 after.

    how many times has the cashier handed or thrown the $.25 back at you and tell you the $10.00 was enough?

    this is why clinton thinks she has a chance to win the whitehouse.

  5. But Jethro Bodine was white and got a 6th grade edjamacation from a Podunk school in Bugtussle, someplace in hillbilly country. And besides his Uncle Jed discovered a whole lot of oil on his property so he was a winner in life’s lottery where as blacks are kept stupid because the democraps keep them that way. Who’s the stupid one and I don’t think it’s Jethro? And when are blacks going to realize that democraps are not their benefactors, never have been and never will be.

  6. Even worse than that. I purchased $10.25 worth of stuff at a snack bar at the local car races and gave the guy a $20 bill and a quarter and he had to pull out a calculator figure out how to make my change. When it came out to an even $10 change I expected to see at least some reaction but his expression never changed at all.

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