I don’t understand the question – IOTW Report

I don’t understand the question

21 Comments on I don’t understand the question

  1. When I first watched the United Spot’s videos, I thought tey were a bit corny. However, after a while I started to really appreciate the biting humor and ridicule of the ruling class progressives in these short videos on YouTube. The character developments of Pelosi, Biden, Comey, Harris, AOC, Schumer and the whole pant load of progressive democrats got funnier and funnier the more I watch. Yep. I’m a fan.

  2. This great.

    Seriously, a witness who repeats “I don’t recall” over and over has his back against the wall.
    Four decades of trial practice in federal courts, you learn a few things.

  3. LOL @ SNS (Just another example of how I’m a bad influence – breaking in with OT stuff – but when it’s good, how can you resist? At work, I notice that newbies’ language becomes more foul over time. One new girl told me she was surprised I wasn’t fired when I dropped the F-bomb in a staff meeting). But if a topic is lagging, why not? I’m trying hard to clean up my act at work, tho.

  4. @ Gladys:
    When I started working at my present job a few years ago I’d drop the occasional F-bomb out of exasperation, or simply to add some texture to the discussion. (These were usually met with shocked disapproval.)

    I am happy to report the climate has improved significantly.
    Now, everybody salts their comments with expletives of a similar nature.

  5. @Michael Younger:

    With the amount of stuff Comey doesn’t know or can’t remember, it’s a good thing breathing is an involuntary function…

    Rather, it’s a lucky thing for him. For the rest of us, not so good.


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