“I excel at multitasking” – IOTW Report

“I excel at multitasking”

Things you can say in bed and at a job interview.

h/t Snowball the Sourpuss.

50 Comments on “I excel at multitasking”

  1. Dr. Tar, this is for you…

    “How much time do we have?coughcough I am impatient and I sometimes come across as impatient, which is not always attractive, and coughcoughcough get really frustrated with people who don’t cough understand what I think it’s going to take to make our coughcough country great tomorrow just like we were yesterday coughcoughcough”

    I might have embellished that a bit.

  2. 1. I have extensive experience.
    2. I don’t have that skill, but I’m a fast learner.
    3. References available upon request.
    4. I can type 60 words a minute (wink-wink).
    5. I only smoke after the job is done.
    6. I can stand for extensive periods, and lift over 100 pounds.

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