“I fought for civil rights. It is offensive to compare it with the transgender fight .” – IOTW Report

“I fought for civil rights. It is offensive to compare it with the transgender fight .”

Clarence Henderson is chairman of the North Carolina Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission.
CharlotteObserver: Let us be clear: HB2 cannot be compared to the injustice of Jim Crow. In fact, it is insulting to liken African Americans’ continuing struggle for equality in America to the liberals’ attempt to alter society’s accepted norms.

Recently, U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch compared HB2 to Jim Crow. Jim Crow laws were put into place to keep an entire race positioned as second-class citizens. HB2 simply says that men and women should use the restroom of their biological sex in government buildings and schools. This comparison is highly offensive and utterly disrespectful to those families and individuals who have shed blood and lost lives to advance the cause of civil rights. I take this as a personal slap in the face because I was an active participant in the civil rights movement.

In 1960, I participated in the sit-in at the Woolworth Diner in Greensboro. As a student attending North Carolina A&T University, I experienced the cruel, vicious reality of segregation first hand.

No comparison

14 Comments on “I fought for civil rights. It is offensive to compare it with the transgender fight .”

  1. It’s over.
    It’s done.
    Now negroes are self-segregating.
    A lot of wasted time and money.
    There is NO civil “right” that demands perverts be allowed to shower and excrete in the company of humans.

    The spiral continues …

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Where were black people when this started happening? Now that the libs have complete control over their lives they start complaining? Keep voting in liberal progressives. That’ll solve your woes.


    I WUV YOU!

    Don’t get too excited— I am just testing plugins for compatibility. Sorry for the tease,-bfh

  4. Or that being “black” is on par with being mentally ill?

    The “pug-nosed slaves” will do as they’re told … and vote as they’re told.

    Make no mistake about it.

    This is just so much blather to promote the meme that “blacks” are independently minded.
    They’ll never leave the socialist Plantation.

    izlamo delenda est …

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