‘I give up’: TV host refuses to decipher the ‘worst US president in living memory’ – IOTW Report

‘I give up’: TV host refuses to decipher the ‘worst US president in living memory’

Sky News host Rita Panahi says United States President Joe Biden continues to say “crazy things that make no sense” where he detailed an awkward encounter with a nurse. “I’m officially giving up, I will no longer try to decipher what the worst president in living memory is trying to convey,” Ms Panahi said. “I’m done I’m out.”

25 Comments on ‘I give up’: TV host refuses to decipher the ‘worst US president in living memory’

  1. Not my President good, bad or indifferent!
    He’s just a double-crossing, dishonest, duplicitous, dumpster-fire liar and feckless jackass who’s done NOTHING that a responsible leader would do however as a traitor he’s done a bang-up job!

  2. So just what was Biden in the hospital for that he needed all this special attention? The way he describes it he must have been just short of being comatose. If Trump had a hangnail the left would have used it as a reason he should not have been President.

  3. As long as voting machines remain rigged he will be staying our US president and we won’t be able to vote him out. Be sure to thank the US supreme corrupt court.

  4. Hey Chumlee, give Biden time – if that humongous budget gets passed (hopefully the House GOP won’t falter) with the tax increases, 12% mortgage might be on the low end.

    What’s sad is that this TV host doesn’t work for a US company. You won’t ever see that happen here.

  5. We are big fans of Rita in this house. This clip is hilarious, sort of SNL worthy (when SNL was funny that is).

    I’m trying (and failing) to picture how someone breathes into someone else’s nose. You’d need to be a contortionist.

  6. There might have been a time to laugh and think this is funny. Now is not that time.
    This POS and his enablers are putting everybody at risk… and for what?

  7. @Ernie — The nice thing about conspiracy theories is that it’s so easy to make them up yourself, e.g. the silly one about the tin foil hat crowd not getting enough of them from from US sources.

  8. It’s so cute to see somebody trying to sound clever and in so doing misusing an apostrophe, using “their” instead of “they’re”, mistaking an example for an analogy, and using a grade school retort of the sort only trotted out in the absence of any logical argument. A four-fer!

  9. HAHA Trying to best Uncle Al is never going to happen. He could still out-think you with all his brain cells locked in outer darkness being tortured by Satan and all his demons. Why, even some of the demons are afraid of Uncle Al!

  10. TRF, “He’s just a double-crossing, dishonest, duplicitous, dumpster-fire liar and feckless jackass who’s done NOTHING that a responsible leader would do however as a traitor he’s done a bang-up job!”

    plus an evil pedofile, with ties to gain of function biolab(s) in ukraine, & facilitates the largest human/sex trafficking ring on the planet at the southern border

    the traitor was supposed to finish leading the USA to ruins
    funny thing tho, he’s also a giant huge redpill suppository

  11. @ Chumlee – we bought our first house in 1981 with a VA loan at 14.5%. We would have preferred 12% at that time. Other home buyers we knew were paying 17%-19% on non-VA loans.

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