I Gotta Poo in Kalamazoo… – IOTW Report

I Gotta Poo in Kalamazoo…

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I gotta poo in Kalamazoo…

The town that Glenn Miller once memorialized as the hometown of “the toast of Kalamazoo” will soon be singing a new tune now that the woke city commission has decriminalized urinating, defecating, and littering in public streets.  One only has to look at formerly nice cities such as San Francisco and Portland to know exactly where that’s going to lead: to people being buried in human waste.

For the past few days, whenever I need a break from the increasingly depressing news, I’ve been enjoying a rather charming book by Terence McLaughlin called Dirt: A Social History as Seen through the Uses and Abuses of Dirt.  It’s a look at England after Rome collapsed, taking with it its extraordinarily high level of both civic and personal cleanliness.  For the next 1,500 or so years, England (and the rest of Europe) were filthy beyond modern imagining.

For example, in 18th-century London, one of the fastest growing cities in the world, the River Fleet served as a public latrine for some; for others, the street was the way to go (literally): more

19 Comments on I Gotta Poo in Kalamazoo…

  1. Governor Shitmore must be jealous of the filth and squalor of San Franshitco and Portland. I’m guessing her publicly funded security won’t allow any of these behaviors near her residence.

  2. What did the progressive use to shit in before the street? A toilet. What did he/she/it use for light before candles? Electricity. What did this the incredibly backward, useless piece of human detritus use for electricity before steam generators? Windmills. What did dum dum use for protein before crickets? Beef, pork, chicken and the exotics. What did lamebrain do about sex prior to the 279 plus genders? Found someone of the opposite sex who’d go along. Unless the person was mentally defective and chose the same sex for that purpose.


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