I Guess Masks Help Prevent Diabetes, too. πŸ™„ – IOTW Report

I Guess Masks Help Prevent Diabetes, too. πŸ™„

h/t Salty Cracker, Tore Says+

27 Comments on I Guess Masks Help Prevent Diabetes, too. πŸ™„

  1. Thank God I won’t be able to catch his Diabetes because he’s muzzled.

    And speaking of muzzled, perhaps he should he been really muzzled years ago to prevent his obesity.

  2. Reminds me of a joke I heard years ago:

    Two men walk up to a row of urinals in the men’s room. The first one is incredibly fat. After an exhausting minute of fumbling with his belt, zipper and button, he finally starts to pee, gasping for breath.

    β€œI don’t mean to be offensive, and perhaps it’s not my business, but I think you should diet”, the second man suggests.

    The first man replies, β€œIs that so?” He steps away from the urinal, lifts his belly as high as he can and grunts, β€œWhat color is it now?”

  3. My sister had stomach issues/ cholesterol issues from time to time when she was young. Not a fat kid, maybe like 5 lbs extra, but mostly stomach issues. So she was sent to see a nutritionist and that person practically yelled at my sister about what she was eating and damn near insulting her. A CHILD. So before my mom could say anything to the nutritionist, my sister had enough and boldly declared, “Why are you yelling at ME about what I’m supposed to be eating when you look like you weigh 500 pounds?!!?!”

    My mom did her best to hold laughter in, and she said – “Well. We’ll be going now.” And left.

    In the car, my mom told my sister she was right, but let mommy handle it. lol – and they explained to my dad they all burst out laughing.

  4. When I was poking an older friend of mine about the pounds he was adding, he said that it only meant a couple of extra pallbearers.
    I’ll be damned if he didn’t have a heart attack, landed on his stomach, and his daughter couldn’t roll him over to administer CPR.


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