I have 800 tattoos and can’t get a job  – IOTW Report

I have 800 tattoos and can’t get a job 

She’s failed to ink a job deal.

NYP: A woman with 800 tattoos says she’s struggling to find gainful employment because bosses cast judgment on her inked-up appearance.

Melissa Sloan, 46, who hails from Wales in the United Kingdom, previously had a job cleaning toilets but says she hasn’t been able to find a similar gig because of the art that adorns her face and body.

“I can’t get a job,” Sloan bluntly told the Daily Star. “I applied for a job cleaning toilets where I live, and they won’t have me because of my tattoos.

“People have said I have never had a job in my life, but I have had one once and it didn’t last long,” the mother-of-two added. “If someone offered me a job tomorrow, I would go and work – I would take that offer.”

Sloan first started getting tattoos at the age of 20 and quickly became hooked. more

50 Comments on I have 800 tattoos and can’t get a job 

  1. I’m proudly a “boomer”. I love it when some young punks see pictures of our generation when we were young and make fun of our clothes or our hair. I always tell them: “Well, as you can see, we were able to change our hair styles and our clothes. You, unfortunately, will look like a tattooed circus freak for the rest of your life.”

  2. Conservative Cowgirl at 9:10 am

    And she has three children?! Poor kids.

    Can’t believe any male would screw that thing 3 times. Why not identify as an African, no one will notice anything strange about you. Maybe some botox to the lips would be a boom.

  3. @Nco77: “Well, as you can see, we were able to change our hair styles and our clothes. You, unfortunately, will look like a tattooed circus freak for the rest of your life.”

    There’s a lot these young ones are learning. For most of them it’s too late. They screwed themselves up to be popular. I told my 2 kids when they were teenagers, that their teen years won’t last long, none of what your friends at school are doing will matter after you’ve graduated. My kids are hitting 50, they have jobs, homes, cars, neither are tatted. They listened to Mom. Not many children nowadays have direction, not even grandparents are equipped with the ability to train their grandchildren. I have a friend taking care of 4 grandchildren. Worse person to hand them over to. The cycle is being repeated.

  4. I once asked a group of kids 18-21 who all had tattoos and facial piercings what the deal was with them. They said it was alternative lifestyle. I replied, “Nope. You all look the same. Look at me. I don’t have any tattoos or piercings. I’m the alternative one.”

  5. while there aren’t a lot of circuses around now-a-day, she could get a job in one of them, in their ‘freak show’
    how does she pay for her tatoos and also three kids, if she has only ever had a what sounds like one job, and she “had one once and it didn’t last long”?

    whatever happened to disappearing ink?
    did it disappear?
    if she used it, she would have disappeared by now

  6. If she had put the money she spends on tattoos in the bank she wouldn’t be so desperate for a job.

    Also she would be one less stupid person to read about though I doubt I would notice her absence.

  7. Hey Dumbshit! Shoulda thot about that before transforming yerself into something that looks like a mistake that just crawled out of a test tube!

    She’s (?) gotta face for radio, but does she (?) have the talent?
    I’ll go out on a limb and guess NOT.

  8. I got one tattoo back 1966 while in the Marine Corp. Thankfully only one. It is high enough on my arm that it cannot be seen when I am wearing a short sleeve shirt. Again Thankfully.

  9. It’s not a “snap” judgment of the kind you make too fast. It’s simply that taking everything relevant into consideration when making an employment decision about someone such as she doesn’t take but a fraction of a second, even for a cognitively impaired person.

  10. I was never drunk enough or stupid enough to get a tattoo when I was in the Navy. I had a friend in my squadron who had tattoos and had to have them removed in a very painful procedure. He found that he was better off never having been tattooed.

  11. Since she admittedly has never worked much this has been presumably paid for with welfare. She has managed to use at least $10k of tax dollars to destroy herself and ensure she never works again and stays on the dole. What the WEF would call a useless eater.

  12. One last observation: If she didn’t know before she started tattooing her face that the reaction of most people around her would be profound disapproval and rejection, then she’s too stupid to be classified as human.

  13. The average cost of a tattoo that takes about 3 hrs to do is $600.
    She has close to half a million dollars in tattoos on her body.
    I don’t think she’s the sharpest tool in the shed.

  14. Setting her sites a little low?
    Cleaning toilets?
    Pretty sure she didn’t grow up thinking that’s what she wanted to be doing.
    Somehow I don’t think we aren’t getting the rest of the story?

  15. The Fly at 9:43 am

    I got one tattoo back 1966 while in the Marine Corp. Thankfully only one. It is high enough on my arm that it cannot be seen when I am wearing a short sleeve shirt. Again Thankfully.

    The sperm donor had tats. One on each arm of a naked lady. One standing in a provocative pose and the other sitting in a martini glass. I was humiliated as a kid looking at them. I never invited friends over to the house because of his tats. So, even though they were on his arm, it has affected me to this day. I hate them!!!!

  16. Best girlfriend ever: Fat tattooed woman. Heat in the winter, shade in the summer and moving pictures all year ’round. Keep that one on the down low the boys’ll make fun.

  17. My brother James, a US Marine, got a tat while in Nam. Later found out he was allergenic to two of the inks used in it and had troubles for years with it. But not as much trouble as the shrapnel hole through his neck and out his shoulder that required his vocal cords to be repaired and an arm that never worked right after the strike. We both got honorable mention from our duty.


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