I Have a Request – IOTW Report

I Have a Request

Can we please take the gloves off? And by we, I mean right-wing online media.

Nothing pains me more than to see a site like Powerlineblog, which I think is wonderful, do a really great job of fisking an idiotic progressive article, only to let the author off the hook. Sure, they name the publisher, but not the author.

John Hinderaker takes an anti-gun article by a complete asshollow named Adam Gopnik, writing for The New Yorker, an immolates every point this dope tries to make. But Hinderaker never mentions Adam by name. He keeps referring to “the writer.” Why?

Maybe it’s because Hinderaker titled his piece LIBERALS CAN’T ARGUE, THEY CAN ONLY BULLY, and naming Gopnik would seem, to him, a tad ironic and a little too much like bullying? Piffle.

People have to keep in mind, when you’re right it’s not bullying. When you’re confronting the bully, it’s not bullying, it’s righteousness. Allowing a fecal pebble like Gopnik to leverage the reach of The New Yorker to spread lies and idiocy with no repercussions other than a civil dressing down on PowerLine, without being mentioned by name, is partly how we arrived here.

Isolate and ridicule these putzes.



Gopnik wrote these lies, quizzical distortions and inanities-

the death-by-gun lobby has successfully advocated for legislative prophylactics that prevent gunmakers, almost uniquely among American manufacturers, from ever being held responsible for the deaths that their products cause.

If a carmaker made a car that was known to be wildly unsafe, and then advertised it as unsafe, liabilities would result.

the majority of Americans agree that there should be limits and controls on the manufacture and sale and ownership of weapons intended only to kill en masse, while a small minority feels, with a fanatic passion, that there shouldn’t.

On some subjects on which we wish sanity and common sense could prevail over fanaticism and irrationality….

No honest or scrupulous person can any longer reject the evidence that gun control controls gun violence.

Gun control stops gun violence.

 Gun possession does not deter crime; it merely makes it more lethal.

Go see how Hinderaker takes this guy’s essay apart like he’s cutting spongecake with a chain saw HERE

11 Comments on I Have a Request

  1. I think it’s “Do Not Feed the Trolls” writ large. Hinderaker has probably done more for Paul Krugman’s and Frank Rich’s lefty cachet and name recognition than anything they have done on their own. It matters not that he beclowns them mercilessly, because lefties don’t care what he says.

    This Gopnik worm will have to out himself if he chooses to respond to the thrashing he got from Hinderaker. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  2. Are you sure you didn’t mix up Gopnik’s photo with the axe murderer? This guy definitely looks like he just axed his mom to death, just before taking the photo. Maybe got her head in a stock pot simmering on the stove right now. But then, all liberals look that way to me.

  3. Why do the heathen rage? Because they are getting curb stomped! Not an ounce of logic or citation in his crying jag. So, I think of the PBS poll that confirms how badly the left is losing on this issue – and I smile.

    I think Menderman may have a point, but I think “we” should use the left’s own tactics against them at every opportunity. They are the nimrods most likely to be influenced by those same tactics. At least a few of them might be swayed – and maybe realize how crappy and baseless namecalling, ridicule, and emotion are when debating important issues.

  4. This is one of my biggest complaints about the greater bulk of the dextrosphere. When they hit it big in a way that makes me go “YEAH,” then comes the “collegiality” and “civility.” Fuck that noise.

  5. Many, if not almost all, conservatives identify themselves as Christians so it is inherently a problem for them to go for the throat.

    Liberals have no such defect. Their religions are politics and environmentalism and woe unto the non-believers.

    Plus, it is the national pastime of the establishment commentariat to condemn and disown those who do go for the throat. You get removed from the blogrolls, blacklisted from getting linked, etc., etc.

    It is totally necessary and appropriate to take the gloves off. You will be maligned by your own side for doing it.

  6. “Gloves off?” Careful – if we start taking our gloves off, the Obamas and the Sharptons might retaliate and start taking their socks off. We won’t stand a chance in the face of the chemical warfare that will ensue.

    And if we REALLY piss them off, Michelle might take her panties off. It’s simply too horrible to contemplate.

  7. Agreed.
    In my dreams, I see the iOTW Rolls Royce
    driving down the boulevard,
    stopping next to the Gopniks of the world
    at the next traffic light,
    rolling the window down, and a
    (Drinking With) Bob-type
    throwing a bottle of
    Grey Poupon at the driver.

  8. “asshollow ” lol! Is that like a void waiting to be filled by a progressive?

    Guns do exactly what they are designed to do. A liberal progressive should never be allowed to touch a firearm. They don’t know a damn thing about guns or crime statistics.

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