Zero Hedge;
A French doctor in the city of Pau serving as a gynecologist has now been sanctioned for declaring himself “incompetent” to treat a man who had transitioned to a woman, which triggered the rage of LGBT associations.
The case dates back to August 2023, but the doctor, Victor Acharian, has only been sanctioned now by the Order of Physicians with a one-month ban on practicing medicine. In total, Dr. Acharian was given a six-month ban on practicing medicine, but five of the six months are a suspended sentence. If he were to violate the sentence, the gynecologist would be suspended for the full six months.
The trans patient had scheduled an appointment though Doctolib and went to the doctor’s office with a partner.
“The lady explained to me that she was in transition,” the secretary of the doctor’s office told Le Figaro newspaper. “I immediately notified the doctor by internal messaging. He replied: ‘I don’t deal with that; there are specialists in Bordeaux or Toulouse,’ a message that I forwarded to them. But they became very aggressive and called me ‘transphobic.’”
The trans person was dismissed from the office, with the doctor reportedly saying he only treated “real women.”
The couple with the trans woman then left a bad Google review for the doctor, and they claimed he responded “offensively” to their review.
“I have no skills in treating men, even if they have shaved their beards and come to tell my secretary that they have become women,” he wrote in response. more
Tranny Tranny Tranny
These fucking tranny degenerates. Many of them are fucking stupid, lacking basic knowledge of female anatomy.
No, dumbassas, you don’t get periods because you don’t have a uterus.
No dumbasses, you don’t need a Pap smear because you don’t have a cervix.
No dumbasses, that hole in your perineum is not a vagina. It’s technically a fistula. That’s why it smells like a dead body. Because it’s just a toxic path to your large intestines that you had intentionally installed by and incompetent plastic surgeon, you pathetic freaks.
Because it’s just a toxic path to your large intestines that you had intentionally installed by a̶n̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶c̶o̶m̶p̶e̶t̶e̶n̶t̶ A WILLFULLY MALFEASANT, MALPRACTICING plastic surgeon BETRAYING HIS OATH FOR MONEY, you pathetic freaks.
This makes one wonder exactly how many of these freaks are running around.
Health & Happiness Rules
Rule #1: don’t lie to your doctor
Rule #0: don’t lie to yourself.
It’s not just the tranny that’s mentally ill…. it’s the entire medical board that sanctioned the doctor.
Kinda hard to find a vagina when there’s a pair of balls in the way…
the wisest thing I ever read:
if your theory does not agree with reality
believe reality
and come up with a new theory
this is never not true.
“Where’s your dick?”
“… which triggered the rage of LGBT associations.”
They’re always triggered. The treatment they need is where they aren’t getting it. The brain.
Their business model is to be triggered.
Transsexuel! Transsexuel! Transsexuel!
Although I barely passed college biology I believe I am competent to treat this patient.
“Ma’am, I find nothing wrong with your ovaries, mammary glands, cervix, uterus, or fallopian tubes. Good luck with whatever the rest of this tackle is”