“I haven’t complied, and I will continue not to comply” – IOTW Report

“I haven’t complied, and I will continue not to comply”


A Spotsylvania County restaurant is operating without a license after health inspectors suspended its food service permit because the owner won’t comply with the governor’s orders regarding the pandemic.

Matt Strickland, owner of Gourmeltz in Cosner’s Corner, told customers in a YouTube video on Friday, the day after he was told to “close down immediately,” that he would do no such thing.

“I haven’t complied, and I will continue not to comply,” he said in the recording, made while sitting in his vehicle. “I’m not in the military anymore, and I’m not gonna do something just because you tell me to do it. It needs to make sense and it needs to not infringe on my constitutional rights, and it needs to be lawful.”

Rappahannock Area Health District officials, who investigated the business again Wednesday, said they’re working with other state agencies to determine the next step. Possibilities include filing an injunction or seeking a Class 1 misdemeanor charge, according to health district spokesperson Allison Balmes–John. more

h/t PHenry.

SNIP: If you can’t visit, please call and let them know you support them!


10013 Jeff Davis Highway
Fredericksburg, Virginia 22407
@ Cosner’s Corner


17 Comments on “I haven’t complied, and I will continue not to comply”

  1. …yep, Government licenses…that’s how they make the medical “profession” lie too, and it will be how they bring us ALL to heel since EVERY SINGLE THING, even building a shed in your own backyard, requires SOME stamp of Government approval and SOME jizya payment to Government almighty…

  2. Fist bump to Gourmeltz in Cosner’s Corner. We have several in my state (Michigan) that haven’t complied to the latest shutdown. They’ve earned my business. In fact, any restaurant that HAS complied will be the last places I visit.

  3. No place I frequent here, whether a grocery store, bank, hardware store or watering hole gets on me when I don’t wear a mask into their establishment. Even W/M.

    Just got back from WA and all but 1 place had shit fit rollovers when I wasn’t wearing a mask.

  4. The only place that still strictly enforces facial hihab wearing is Costco. Everywhere else has the sign on the door, but doesn’t say “boo” if you don’t wear a mask. And I haven’t been accosted by any Karens or Karls, either.

  5. Remember Ghandi –

    Make them make it an issue. Don’t comply to facist policies in advance.

    2 ways to react – wear the diaper if you have to really really use or need their product or turn right around and go someplace else.

    BTW why has covid-19 cases decreased so rapidly since the fraud-in-thief took over?

  6. I would like to support this guy with more than just an atta boy but doubt he delivers to Fbks. Here is what I can do. If somebody living near there, maybe even eats there, sends me his address, I will send him a MO for a meal for 2.
    Get my email from fur.

  7. We went to that Gourmeltz this afternoon. The place was packed. Barely found a table. Not a mask in the place except for mine that says ‘This mask is as useless as our Governor’. People loved it, but I didn’t wear it long. Got some laughs.

    We finally made our way to the bar and met the owner’s mother and sister. They are lovely Americans.

    We actually spoke with complete strangers at the bar.
    It was almost as if I was in America. Hahaha.

    Go there and support them. Fine people who are defying our idiot governor.

    It was fun.

  8. The soon to be chosen default – which I’m guessing will be cheered by many ugly, name calling, sheep commenters on the original article – will be armed force and likely gunfire. Lots easier than obeying the Constitution and law and proving a position…

  9. I just now read some of the comments on the Fredericksburg.com post.

    Sheep is a correct depiction.

    Fine. Stay home. You all are buzz killing Karen’s anyway. I’d rather die of the RED CHINESE RED DEATH than meekly succumb to absolute tyranny

    Fuck off cowards.

    Ralph Northam can suck my dick.

    Well. Not really. It’s just an expression.


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