“I just want to make very clear in Florida, we are not doing any vaccine passports” – IOTW Report

“I just want to make very clear in Florida, we are not doing any vaccine passports”

Governor Ron DeSantis Opposes Vaccine Passports in Florida.

Planet Free Will:

Good for Governor Ron DeSantis. In sharp contrast with New York Governor Andrew Cuomo who recently imposed “vaccine passport” requirements for people in New York to attend certain events, DeSantis is standing up for freedom and against the imposing of vaccine passports in Florida.

In a Thursday press conference, DeSantis stated his firm opposition to vaccine passports, as well as to requiring people to demonstrate they have tested negative for coronavirus. A WCJB-TV report quotes DeSantis’ comments on the matter from the press conference: MORE

7 Comments on “I just want to make very clear in Florida, we are not doing any vaccine passports”

  1. Everyone has heard of bad covid decisions he has made in the past regarding nursing homes? What makes anyone think he will make better decisions in the future?

  2. This man has the facts and the numbers to show that he took the right approach, but Noooooooooo – the dumbed-down, ignorant, self-absorbed, spoon-fed, celebrity-obsessed, White guilt-ridden, Politically Correct, kumbaya-singing, Xanax-disabled, Rainbow Plantation, bobble-headed, hypocritical Socialist Liberals call him “Deathsantis” in a super-lame attempt to paint him as some kind of failure when it comes to COVID! These dumbshitz are downright dangerous!

  3. Just finishing up our spring break in Florida. Haven’t been around this many happy people in a long while. My kids included. Thank you Governor DeSantis!

  4. Idaho lifted their mandatory mask mandate yesterday and today was the first time in months that I could make my delivery to one of my grocery store customers in Post Falls without wearing a friggin mask. The signs on the front entrance to the store door have been removed so let’s hope all is well and this bs won’t happen again. It’s nice to almost be back to normal.

  5. Even better: Make vaccine passports available to everyone, whether they’ve accepted the poison or not; fill it out & date it yourself.
    The system they’re trying to cage us in needs to be taken down.

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